101 RANCH ROUND-UP and The Millers (2024)

Movie Star Helen Gibson: 101 RANCH ROUND-UP and The Millers


We are publishing a continued story this week, the joint production ofsome two thousand delinquent tax payers of Cowley county. That the storyis not just what those two thousand readers would like to read in the bosomof their families to their children is no fault of ours; we give it as wereceived it from the hands of the compiler, E. B. Kager, Co. Treasurer.



J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, Johnson county, this state, has openedout a a splendid stock of Dry goods and Groceries in the building formerlyoccupied by Close & Greer, opposite the Lagonda House. The store haslately been remodeled and re-

painted, and presents a very neat appearance. Mr. Lynn seems to bea gentleman of enterprise who we have no doubt will do a good business.We welcome him to our midst.


The Oratorio of Esther will be presented at the Courthouse on Mondayand Tuesday evenings of next week under the auspices of the congregationalchurch of Winfield. Prof. A. D. Battey of Topeka has charge of the exhibition.Our friends in town and country will be treated to the finest entertainmentthat has ever been presented to the public in Winfield, upon this occasion.Rev. Parmelee takes the part of King, and Mrs. M. A. Arnold is to be Queen.Thirty-five actors, dressed in costumes, take part in the performance. Everybodyshould be present.


Below we give the names of our businessmen who advertised in the "COURIEREXTRA" this week. Our readers may rest assured that men who advertiseliberally will deal liberally.

Ellis & Black, W. L. Mullen, Darrah & Doty, O. N. Morris &Bro., T. E. Gilleland, George Miller, Maris, Carson & Baldwin,

J. C. Weathers and Co., C. A. Bliss & Co., Hitchco*ck & Boyle,W. M. Boyer, Lagonda House, Banking Houses of M. L. Read and J. C. Fuller,J. B. Lynn, N. Roberson, M. Miller, Frank Williams, Geo. W. Martin, andthe Arkansas City Traveler.



Sheriff Walker is back from Leavenworth, where he has been to takethe prisoners sentenced at the last term of the District Court.


The Presbyterian church holds service next Sabbath in the Courthousemorning and evening. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.


At the recent teacher's examination in this place and Arkansas City,18 applicants were examined: 13 in Winfield and 5 in Arkansas City.


The Paola & Fall River Railroad Company are advertising for 2,500laborers and 150,000 ties, to complete their road to the east line of Greenwoodcounty.


Scott of the Arkansas City Traveler would have us believe thathe stopped at the Mansion House, while in Leavenworth. The idea of a SouthernKansas Editor puting up a a first-class Hotel.


The new stone house of Captain Lowery is now ready for occupancy,and is one of the finest and most complete residences in the county. Wewould be pleased to see more such residence built this summer.


The editor-in-chief of this paper made the best race for councilmanthat was made at the late city election. He beat Dr. Mansfield, S. H. Myton,James Kirk, Jones, Williams, Gray, Austin, Jack-of-clubs, and Tom Wright'sdog.


Those oranges donated us by George Miller were nice and disappearedlively. George has a lot of candies, lemons, and other good things whichhe hasn't brought around yet but which we are expecting daily.


Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.

Quite a novel lawsuit is pending before 'Squire Boyer, between Geo. Millerand a prominent lawyer in this city. The case is as follows. Just beforecourt adjourned at the last term, T. H. Suits, Esq., arose and addressedthe Court in a little short facetious speech and informed his honor, JudgeCampbell, that as it has been the custom from time immemorial for the membersof the bar, on the occasion of the departure of anyone of their number fromtheir midst, to meet and jollify in some way, pass resolutions of respect,etc. And now it was generally understood that one of them was about to departa life of single cussedness, and submit his neck to the benedictine yoke.Therefore, the speaker moved that said candidate for matrimonial honorsbe notified that the Court and bar expected him to set up the oysters.

The Court entering at once into the spirit of the joke, appointed T.H. Suits, R. B. Saffold, and E. S. Torrance to carry out the programme.This was faithfully attended to by the committee and about 9 o'clock p.m.,of that day, the Court, members of the bar, clerks, and sheriff's, sat downto a splendid supper at the St. Nicholas, kept by Geo. Miller, who is notedthe country over for serving his guests with the best the market affords.A jollier time was never seen in Winfield. The lawyer seemed to enjoy thegood things set before him as much as the worst gormound [?] there; perhapsin anticipation of the way he was going to fool that court and bar, or perhapshe liked the tone of the speeches, or the sentiment of the toasts, or thesparkle of the wine, or, perhaps it was because he was hungry, he, perhapsnot having eaten a good square meal for some days previous, or it may havebeen all combined; certain it is that he seemed well pleased with the entertainment.

After allowing a reasonable time to elapse, Mr. Miller sent his billto the victim, who refused to come down with the scads, greenbacks, dingbats(or whatever those things are called which you swap for oyster suppers).The other members of the bar learning that the "littlebill" had gone to protest,magnanimously agreed each to pay for his own. And now our friend is suedfor the quantity of oysters and wine he was supposed to have stowed awayunder his vest, on that, to the other starvlings, very pleasant occasion,amounting in the aggregate to the sum of one dollar and seventy cents.

And now the case is set for hearing next Monday. How it is likely toturn out, we, of course, don't pretend to say, nor is this article writtento bias public opinion, to suborn witnesses, or to assist the average Kansasjuror to form an opinion; no, none of these; but it is written for the purposeof insisting that the public suspend their opinion and never condemn a manunheard, no matter how guilty or deserving of the gallows you may know theman to be. Let justice be done though the oysters be never paid for. Georgehas retained all the lawyers in town, and if he don't win, it will be becausehe has "too many cooks."




Hail fell last night.

Geo. Miller keeps lemonade.

Rev. J. B. Parmelee has returned from Independence.

W. W. Andrews is putting up a brick residence in the north part oftown.

Quite a number of good substantial buildings are being erected intown just now.

Hunt, the tailor, has moved his shop to 9th avenue two doors eastof Mr. Saffold's office.

I. F. Newland donated us some oranges and a [? onion ?] yesterday. Hehas a few left yet however....SECOND ITEM IS BADLY OBSCURED.



Deputy Clerk Bedilion has his new cottage enclosed.

Six cents a bushel is the going price for threshing wheat.

The bridge across the Walnut below town is reported in an unsafe condition.

The Winfield Meat Market is supplying Arkansas City with fresh meat.

The new school organ has arrived and is established in the schoolbuilding.

I. L. Comfort cuts wood and will attend to orders left at the LagondaHouse.

We have heard of fifteen new thrashing machines brought to Cowleycounty this season.

Tom Collins has been in town this week, and several bloods have beenon the search for him.

Mr. Blandin has built a large addition to his commodious dwelling,which looks very comfortable.

E. B. Johnson, of Beaver township, has been selling elegant, cleandressed cat fish on the streets at ten cents per pound.

Cal. Ferguson, of the firm of Davis & Ferguson, has returned fromBaxter Springs, bringing with him his wife.

Richland township contains 600 population. Rock township has 314 acresof winter wheat, and 3,127 acres of corn.

The two horse thieves recently committed to the county jail, werebut recently discharged from the Kansas Penitentiary.

B. B. The first nine vanquished the second of Winfield, last Saturday.Tomorrow afternoon decides the best two in three.

T. A. Blanchard has been chosen by the County Council P. of H. torepresent Cowley at the coming State Fair.

Winfield township contains ninety more male than female inhabitantsover the age of twenty-one years.

The farmers in the vicinity of the Blanchard school house are goingto have a neighborhood celebration on the 4th. T. A. Blanchard, orator ofthe day.

$185 has been subscribed towards defraying the expenses of the celebrationon the 4th.

We never saw better cocoanuts than those kept by George Miller. Theyare sound and sweet, and taste as delicious as it is possible for cocoanutsto taste. George is the only person in town who keeps them, and he sellsreasonable.

Capt. Cook, of Virginia, was in the city the fore part of the weekvisiting Dr. Mansfield, and looking at the country.




Money to Loan. Money can be had at the office of Alexander & Saffold,at reasonable rates and on time to suit borrowers, for the purpose of deedingland, etc., by giving good real estate



Have you seen the large stock of candies, lemons, oranges, nut, and cocoanuts,that Geo. Miller has just received? If you haven't you had better take timeand examine them.


WANTED! A furnished room in some private family by two young men. Bestof reference given if required. Address F. & B. care, COURIER Office.



There is going to be big times at Winfield on the 4th among the sportingmen of this and adjoining counties. Some 15 or 16 horses are expected tobe present.

At the platform dance, in the grove, on the 4th under the supervisionof the Craine Bros., a beautiful gold ring will be given to the best ladywaltzer, and a massive silver ring to the best gentleman dancer.

Complete arrangements have been made at the Courthouse for the danceon the eve of the 4th, for music, ice water, and refreshments. Dancing beginsat 7 o'clock, promptly.

Although celebrations upon the 4th are to take place in all the adjoiningtowns, there is no doubt that Winfield will draw the crowd. The preparationswhich have been made are more extensive than were ever before conceivedin Southern Kansas. Everybody come and help swell the crowd.


Capt. McDermott, of Dexter, was in to see us this week. He in companywith L. J. Webb, Capt. Hunt, and T. A. Rice, visited Wellington on Tuesdayon business connected with the Masonic Order.


John Manly's platform dance takes place this afternoon and evening.All the sports of this city are intending to be present and have a littlefun. Geo. Miller will be on the ground with his lemonade and candy standto supply all thirsty lads and lassies.





We will run a double seated carriage with careful driver from allparts of the city to the picnic and fair grounds the 4th. Also to the ballat the courthouse at night. Parties wishing to engage can leave their ordersat our office in stables on Manning street.





We notice that A. T. Shenneman has returned from Texas.

H. M. Swasey of Independence has been in town for the last few days.

B. B. The Winfield club were "sooped" at Eldorado last Saturdaytwo to one.

Reynolds and Jones have dissolved partnership; see dissolution noticeelsewhere.

Winfield is well stocked with fast horses and sporting men, all waitingfor tomorrow.

Miller & Jones are erecting a new Meat Market between Miller'srestaurant and Nichols barber shop.

F. M. Concannon has opened a tobacco store in the building formerlyoccupied by Bakers barber shop.

A matched game of base ball will be played at the fair ground, onthe 4th of July, at 2 o'clock P.M. All persons are invited to be present.



For want of space we omitted to notice the card of Dr.

Wm. H. Anderson in our last. We now take pleasure in recommendingthe Dr. to the people of Winfield and vicinity. He comes to us with thevery best of references. He has practiced extensively for years in the westand is perfectly familiar with diseases incident to our climate. The Dr.will be quite an accession to our community. [TYPED UP AD FROM PREVIOUSISSUE.]


Geo. Miller and T. J. Jones have built them a nice shop on Main Streetadjoining the St. Nicholas restaurant, and will run a meat market there.They have fitted it up in the latest and best style, with a refrigeratorand all the paraphernalia of a first-class meat shop. They are both clever,accommodating gentlemen, experienced butchers, and will give their customersentire satisfaction. All those who like a good beefsteak or good fresh meatsof any kind will do well to purchase of Miller & Jones.




The county jail has now six boarders.

C. C. Stevens is now holding forth at Remanto.

Dr. Anderson has gone to Remanto to practice his profession.

A petition is in circulation for starting a new saloon in this place.

Mr. Mills and Mr. Darlington, of Remanto, were in town one day thisweek.

Several new houses are being erected in town, most of stone and brick.

Mr. William Bartlow had one of his fingers sawed off in his sawmillthe other day.

We had the pleasure of a short call from Elder P. G. Smith and wife,of Dexter, last Wednesday.

Concannon is opening a cigar store and billiard hall next door toMillers meat market.




Winfield supplies Arkansas City with ice.

DIED. A little child of W. L. Fortner died last Monday.

A 'Schooner" passed through this city yesterday, having on boarda young antelope and a buffalo calf, which were objects of interest to manyof our citizens.

The meeting of the Baptist Association of this place last week was wellattended, there being some forty or fifty delegates present.

A. A. Jackson is now the proprietor of the St. Nicholas restaurant,he having taken Geo. Miller's place in the business. George now has nothingto attend to but his meat market.


The singing books belonging to this District in the hands of schoolchildren will please be left with the clerk. B. P. Baldwin, at Maris &Baldwin's Drug Store.


The Winfield Silver Cornet Band will give a dance at the Lagonda Houseon the evening of the 22nd inst. The best music will be furnished, and everythingwill be done to make the party pleasant and enjoyable.




EVERYBODY got tired of reading the Beecher-Tilton scandal and theyhave now turned their attention to their own affairs. The first thing theydid was to walk into Miller & Hill's meat market where they got thetenderest, sweetest meat they ever saw. Beef, Pork, Veal, Mutton, all kindsof sausage, and in fact anything kept in a first class market, can be hadby calling at Miller & Hill's, one door south of St. Nicholas.



DECEMBER 18, 1879.

Mr. George Miller has removed from Ninth Avenue and consolidated hisshops on Main street. He is refitting and refurnishing the shops throughout,and intends to make his meat market second to none in the country. George,from his long connection with this business in Winfield, has won the confidenceand patronage of a large part of our citizens. He furnishes the best meatsat the most reasonable prices.







Theo Miller. R. Ehret. Jos. Whiteman. Frank Manny. John

Himselspach. James Fahey. Frank Merrill. Stephen O'Lane.

Theo R. Timme. Thos. H. Benning. E. H. Henthorn.

Geo. Miller. B. M. Terrill. Jno.R. Smith. A. W. Patterson.

Harry Bahntge. David Harter. A. H. Green. Barney Shrivers. Thos. Wright.Sid S. Major. W. A. Gibbs. S. S. Moore.

Geo. Corwin. Ed H. Cole. A. Hatfield. ____ Squires.

John Custer. Wayne Bitting. Ed Appling. Ed Rowell.

S. R. Walcott. W. L. Mullin. H. Jochems. James Allen.

L. J. Webb. Ed Collins. Sol. Frazier. R. Ehret.

Major F. Moss. Geo. Haywood. E. B. Weitzel. Allison Toops.

Willie Fogg. Alex May.


We understand that our new tinner, G. W. Miller, has secured the contractfor putting the roof on Geo. Cunningham's new stone store room. Mr. Milleris a thorough workman and will do himself proud thereon.




JANUARY 4TH, 1882.

Mr. Geo. W. Miller has opened up a tinware establishment in town andis prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. After the middle of February,he will occupy the Benedict building as a stove and tinware store, and afull stock for the same is already on the way. Mr. Miller was with D. S.Rose while in this city, and made many friends who will be glad to hearof his locating with us.



Will Griffith went to the Otoe Agency last Monday to do a job of tinningon the Agency buildings.

G. W. Miller will soon move his tin shop into the building one doorsouth of the Central Drug Store.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.

Mrs. G. W. Miller and children are now in St. Louis visiting relativesand will probably remain several months. Mr. Miller, we hope, will enjoyhis season of bachelorhood, but we doubt it.


Wm. VanHook, in charge of the Geo. Miller ranch, was in town Tuesdayand gave the JOURNAL the benefit of his smile.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.

Killed in the Territory.

DIED. George W. Miller received a letter from his son, Joe, this morning,from the Miller Ranch twenty-five miles below Hunnewell, stating that oneGreen, a Wash*ta ranchman, started from Hunnewell yesterday with some horses.He hired three Indians to help him drive. Near the Miller ranch, the Indiansput a bullet into Green=s heart,took a number of horses, and decamped. A posse was being made up for pursuit,and the story of three noble red men found dangling in tree limbs will likelybe heralded. Green was a well known territory cattle man. Winfield Courierthe 22nd.



Miss Helen Gibson, movie actress, who stars in "The Perils of Helen"and who is one of the best known horsewomen in America, will be a featurestar at this year's 101 Ranch Round-up and Indian camp, September 2, 3,and 4CSaturday, Sunday and Monday(Labor Day). Miss Gibson has arrived direct from Hollywood for this appearanceat the ranch.

Another feature for the three days will be Miss Lucile Mulhall, who isreturning to the arena after several years absence as Mrs. Tom Burnett.This will be her first appearance since resuming her maiden name recently.

Henry Grammar is out to become the world's champion roper again and willrope two steers daily for the entire three day period for a side purse of$2,500. Grammar will use his own string of horses in these events. "Bill"Pickett, the originator of bulldogging, will be used all three days also;and in addition there will be roping, riding, bulldogging and steer ridingevents daily in addition to Indian dances. Admission 75 cents.



Charged with aiding two young Winfield girls to run away from their homes,D. McCollum, Bill Mattis, and Lloyd Seabridge, a trio of Winfield youngmen, were arrested at the 101 Ranch and brought to the county jail yesterdayby Deputy Charles Goforth.

The girls, 15 and 17 years of age, are said to be of questionable character,one of them being on parole from the probate judge at the time she leftWinfield. Their names were not disclosed.

It is alleged that one of the men drove them to Arkansas City, wherethey took a train to Oklahoma City. There they back-tracked to Ponca City,where they were apprehended and returned to Winfield. The other men, itis said, involved themselves by furnishing money to the pair.

Oklahoma officers arrested the three men at the 101 Ranch roundup Saturdayon a warrant charging "contribution for delinquency." Their trialis set in probate court for today.



101 RANCH ROUND-UP and The Millers (1)Fred Beeson, of this city, well known rider and roper,won the first prize of $500 at the three days roping event on the big programjust closed at the 101 Ranch in Oklahoma. The events there were in progressSaturday, Sunday, and Monday, and there were people there from all partsof the United States to witness the program of three days.

Beeson won first in the three steer averages, and in the roping and tyingstunt. His first was made in 22 seconds, the second in 26, and the third,winning three falls with the second rope, in 10 seconds.

Lee Robinson of Kingman, Arizona, won the second money in these events,this being $300, and Ed Burgess, of Okmulgee, Oklahoma, won third, $200.Robinson is the roping partner of Beeson, and they always work togetherwhen convenient to do so. There were 37 ropers in all who took part in theseevents and all the steers used there were of the big Old Mexico variety,averaging 900 pounds each. Needless to say, they were hard to handle.



Dee McCollum and William Mattis, two of the three young men charged with"aiding in delinquency," by helping Venetta Feaster, 16, and HazelMiller, 17, to run away from their homes here, were found guilty in probatecourt yesterday and sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $1 each and costs,amounting to about $10.

Lloyd Seabridge, the third boy involved, was dismissed; and the caseagainst him was dropped.

It was revealed in the trial that Mattis raised the money to help thegirls escape, and then drove them to Arkansas City between the hours of12 and 4 a.m., where heCaidedby McCollumCbought their ticketsto Oklahoma City. From there the girls came back to Ponca City, where theywere located by their parents.

The boys proceeded on to the roundup at the 101 Ranch, where Deputy CharlesGoforth arrested them. Mattis confessed the whole affair to the girl's parentsand to Goforth.

The youngest girl has been under the surveillance of the probate judge,who has not decided what will be done with Hazel Miller, but it is likelythat she will be given another hearing soon.CCourier.

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101 RANCH ROUND-UP and The Millers (2024)


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