Aggressive Behavior Modification | K-9 Specialist (2024)

Aggressive Behavior Modification

If your dog shows signs of aggression, K-9 Specialist is here to help. Many dogs end up at shelters, re-homed, or euthanized because of aggression issues.Let K-9 Specialist show you the techniques to help your dog.

There are three levels of aggression that your dog may be in. K-9 Specialist evaluates your dog to determine the source of his aggression. The evaluation will determine what level your dog is at, and what training is necessary for your dog to be put under control. K-9 Specialist will put together a rehabilitation program for your dog. You will remain involved in the therapy process, and often a combination of in-home therapy and time spent at the K-9 Rehabilitation Center will be used.

No problem is too great for K-9 Specialist to work with.

With over 20 years of experience, K-9 Specialist has worked with biters, barkers and much more. Bully breed dogs are welcomed. focus on the area of Aggressive Behavior Modification serves the geographic areas of Michigan and Ohio, with clients located in the Holland Michigan, Muskegon Michigan, Grand Rapids Michigan, Detroit Michigan, Flint Michigan, and Saginaw Michigan areas among others.

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After 3 visits and/or 1 week or more at our training facility, no refund may be obtained. This is only valid on Basic training programs. This is not applicable to any Intermediate, Advanced, Aggressive Behavior Modification, or Personal Protection Training Programs.

For clients protection as well as ours, all evaluations are subject to being recorded.

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Aggression –K-9 Specialist will not take on any dog that shows aggression toward any internal family member. This goes for daughter, son, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, father, mother, In Laws etc. We only deal with aggression that comes from the outside in. We will teach the dog tobe put under control by the handler to stay on their property at their side while being out doors. This means under complete client contained supervision!! Client must specify clearly at the signing of contract on what type of aggression they are dealing with and understand what we will not take on.

All training comes with a lifetime guarantee for the life of the pet.

Note: Please understand that K-9 Specialist LLC can only teach you and provide you with the proper tools to control any unwanted behaviors your dog may have. For example, if you have a Hound and you dislike that he or she chases birds, K-9 Specialist LLC can help you control that unwanted behavior while you are in your dogs presence only. We cannot stop your dogs natural given drive, nor can we control it if the dog is unattended. However, as long as you are trained by us and follow the proper procedures on how to maintain control of your dog while in his or her presence, you will have a well behaved dog. Please note that this applies to all behavior modification courses. Do not be fooled by others who claim they can “cure” a problem that is a natural instinct to your dog. There is no cure for a bird dog wanting to chase birds for example, but there are ways to control them. Please do not waste your time or money on K-9 Specialist LLC if your expectations are to “cure” your dogs natural instinct. If your expectation is to have full control over your dog while in his or her presence, we are the team for you. This same concept also applies to aggressive behavioral issues.

Special Example: I, owner and operator of K-9 Specialist LLC, owns a naturally aggressive Pitbull. My Pitbull is ONLY aggressive towards other dogs or animals in general, not people. As long as I am with my dog, whether I have her on or off a leash, she will respect and obey my authority. For example, if another dog walks by and I am present with my Pitbull, she will remain in her place and not move or react to that dog because I am there to control the situation. However, if I walk away and leave my dog unattended, she will most definitely advance towards the other dog because I was not there to control the situation. I am giving this very real scenario to provide the public with the knowledge that just because a dog is well trained, the training does not take the natural instinct out of them at all. It would be like taking the “dog” out of the dog…completely impossible. That’s why I offer training to help teach and educate you as well as give you the tools to maintain proper control and behavior with your dog, as long as your in his or her presence. That’s the key right there. You MUST be in his or her PRESENCE to have complete control.

Aggressive Behavior Modification | K-9 Specialist (2024)


Can a behaviorist help an aggressive dog? ›

Aggression can improve, but there will always be a bite risk. Your behavior consultant will help you assess the risk and overall prognosis for your dog. Some trigger situations may need to be avoided or managed permanently to ensure safety.

Can aggression be trained out of a dog? ›

A dog training program can help address this type of canine aggression by working on your pet's impulse control and introducing alternative ways to express an urge to chase prey.

What can a vet do for an aggressive dog? ›

The Vet Behaviorist can:
  • Recommend a Safety & Management Plan.
  • Recommend Behavior Modification & Training strategies.
  • Prescribe behavioral medication.
  • Recommend a dog trainer and/or behavior consultant.
Jul 12, 2022

Can dog aggression be fixed? ›

Dogs that are willing to use aggression to change the outcome of a situation are rarely cured but often can be controlled. Improvement may occur by having predictable interactions, avoidance of aggression provoking stimuli, a good daily routine of exercise, play and social interaction.

What is the most common cause of aggression in dogs? ›

Pain is an especially common cause of aggression in dogs. 1 Your suddenly aggressive dog may have an injury or an illness that's causing major discomfort and stress. Some possible causes of pain include arthritis, bone fractures, injuries, and tumors.

Is there a cure for an aggressive dog? ›

A comprehensive treatment plan for canine aggression involves treating any underlying health conditions, educating clients, managing the environment, and applying behavior modification and appropriate therapeutics for any underlying fear or anxiety.

How to discipline a dog for being aggressive? ›

The safest and most effective way to treat an aggression problem is to implement behavior modification under the guidance of a qualified professional. Modifying a dog's behavior involves rewarding her for good behavior—so you'll likely be more successful if your dog enjoys praise, treats and toys.

Can I put my dog down because of aggression? ›

Unfortunately, some behaviors are too difficult or dangerous to overcome, which results in your dog suffering a poor quality of life to make them less of a threat to you, other people or other animals. In these cases, behavioral euthanasia may be the most responsible and compassionate option.

Does CBD oil help aggressive dogs? ›

Animals that are experiencing anxiety and fear along with aggression can benefit the most from CBD oil. CBD helps pets to relax and enter a state of calm. For dog and cat aggression, CBD oil may be used in combination with short-term exposure to the animal's triggers, while slowly increasing exposure over time.

Can you rehome a dog that bites? ›

If you are rehoming a dog who has bitten a person or other animal, it's important to be fully transparent about the dog's bite history. Depending on the situation and severity of the bite, rescue groups may not be able to rehome the dog ethically or legally.

What is a Level 3 dog bite? ›

A Level 3 dog bite occurs when a dog bites down with enough force for the dog's canine teeth to make shallow puncture wounds.

How do you break treat aggression in dogs? ›

Your dog may be less aggressive about a single treat than she is with a lot of food in her dish. You can practice standing near her and touching her treat while she eats it rather than trying with a dish of food. In some instances, this can be enough to make dogs understand their food is not being threatened.

Can you trust a dog after it bites? ›

Always approach a dog that's bitten with caution, and work with a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist to help modify their responses. Remember, any dog will bite under the right circ*mstances.

What do I do with an aggressive dog that I can't keep? ›

If your dog is biting and/or attacking humans/animals, you honestly only have three options. Surrender your dog to your local humane society, get qualified & professional help with behavior modification and keep your dog, or consider behavioral euthanasia.

What is the best way to deal with an aggressive dog? ›

The safest and most effective way to treat an aggression problem is to implement behavior modification under the guidance of a qualified professional. Modifying a dog's behavior involves rewarding her for good behavior—so you'll likely be more successful if your dog enjoys praise, treats and toys.

What should you not do with an aggressive dog? ›

Never try to out run an aggressive dog in pursuit. It will only escalate the problem. Stay calm, and back away slowly. Instead of screaming, or yelling at the dog, speak to him in a soothing tone as you slowly back away.

Can neurological issues cause aggression in dogs? ›

Neurological problems: If your dog has a neurological issue, it may cause them to act aggressively. Some neurological conditions that can lead to aggression include epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and brain tumors.


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