Exam Information for Students (2024)


Find information about the current semester's exam schedule, computer-based exam instructions and anonymous exam numbers for students on this page.

Academic Contacts

  • Jennifer Kent, Registrar

Anonymous Numbers

Students are required to provide a unique anonymous number to submit law school mid-terms and/or final exams.

Retrieve anonymous mid-term or final exam number Retrieve anonymous mid-term or final exam number

  • Summer 2024
  • Fall 2024

Summer 2024 Exam Schedule

Summer2024 Exam Schedule
DateTimeCourseProfessorRoomAlt room
Friday, June 149:00-12:00


Tuesday, June 189:00-11:15

Criminal Law

Thursday, June 209:00-11:00


Friday, July 199:00-11:00



Friday, July 19

9:00-11:00Professional ResponsibilityStacy
Monday, July 229:00-11:15

Criminal Law


Fall 2024 Exam Schedule

Fall 2024 Exam Schedule
DateTimeCourseProfessorRoomAlt room
Monday, December 9
Monday, December 99:00-1:00


Monday, December 99:00-1:00


Monday, December 92:00-5:00

International Commerce & Investment

Monday, December 92:00-5:00


Tuesday, December 10
Tuesday, December 109:00-12:00

Business Organizations

Tuesday, December 109:00-12:00

Energy Law & Policy

Tuesday, December 102:00-5:00

International Trade Law


Tuesday, December 10

2:00-4:00Introduction to Elder LawReaves
Wednesday, December 11
Wednesday, December 119:30-11:30

Commercial Law: Secured Transactions

Wednesday, December 119:00-11:00

Water Law

Wednesday, December 119:00-12:00Employment Discrimination LawLawrence
Thursday, December 12
Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Criminal Procedure

Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Media and the First Amendment

Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Public International Law

Friday, December 13
Friday, December 139:00-11:00

Accounting for Lawyers

Phillips, A.
Friday, December 139:00-11:00

Juvenile Law

Friday, December 132:00-5:00

Privacy Law


Friday, December 13

2:00-4:00Professional ResponsibilityMcAllister
Monday, December 16
Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-12:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 162:00-5:00



Monday, December 16

2:00-5:00Federal Income TaxationMazza

Monday, December 16

2:00-5:00State Court PracticeRoberts
Tuesday, December 17
Tuesday, December 179:00-1:00



Tuesday, December 17

9:00-11:00Estate Planning: PrinciplesTaddiken
Wednesday, December 18
Wednesday, December 189:00-12:00

Employment Law

Wednesday, December 189:00-12:00


Thursday, December 19
Thursday, December 199:00-12:00

Advanced Criminal Procedure

Thursday, December 199:00-12:00

Civil Rights Actions

Friday, December 20
Friday, December 209:00-1:00


Friday, December 209:00-1:00


Friday, December 209:30-12:30


Friday, December 202:00-4:00

Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations

Fall 2024 Take Home Exams

Administrative Law


Intellectual Property


Summer 2024 Exam Schedule

Summer2024 Exam Schedule
DateTimeCourseProfessorRoomAlt room
Friday, June 149:00-12:00


Tuesday, June 189:00-11:15

Criminal Law

Thursday, June 209:00-11:00


Friday, July 199:00-11:00



Friday, July 19

9:00-11:00Professional ResponsibilityStacy
Monday, July 229:00-11:15

Criminal Law


Fall 2024 Exam Schedule

Fall 2024 Exam Schedule
DateTimeCourseProfessorRoomAlt room
Monday, December 9
Monday, December 99:00-1:00


Monday, December 99:00-1:00


Monday, December 92:00-5:00

International Commerce & Investment

Monday, December 92:00-5:00


Tuesday, December 10
Tuesday, December 109:00-12:00

Business Organizations

Tuesday, December 109:00-12:00

Energy Law & Policy

Tuesday, December 102:00-5:00

International Trade Law


Tuesday, December 10

2:00-4:00Introduction to Elder LawReaves
Wednesday, December 11
Wednesday, December 119:30-11:30

Commercial Law: Secured Transactions

Wednesday, December 119:00-11:00

Water Law

Wednesday, December 119:00-12:00Employment Discrimination LawLawrence
Thursday, December 12
Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Criminal Procedure

Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Media and the First Amendment

Thursday, December 129:00-12:00

Public International Law

Friday, December 13
Friday, December 139:00-11:00

Accounting for Lawyers

Phillips, A.
Friday, December 139:00-11:00

Juvenile Law

Friday, December 132:00-5:00

Privacy Law


Friday, December 13

2:00-4:00Professional ResponsibilityMcAllister
Monday, December 16
Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-12:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 169:00-1:00

Civil Procedure

Monday, December 162:00-5:00



Monday, December 16

2:00-5:00Federal Income TaxationMazza

Monday, December 16

2:00-5:00State Court PracticeRoberts
Tuesday, December 17
Tuesday, December 179:00-1:00



Tuesday, December 17

9:00-11:00Estate Planning: PrinciplesTaddiken
Wednesday, December 18
Wednesday, December 189:00-12:00

Employment Law

Wednesday, December 189:00-12:00


Thursday, December 19
Thursday, December 199:00-12:00

Advanced Criminal Procedure

Thursday, December 199:00-12:00

Civil Rights Actions

Friday, December 20
Friday, December 209:00-1:00


Friday, December 209:00-1:00


Friday, December 209:30-12:30


Friday, December 202:00-4:00

Nonprofit and Tax-Exempt Organizations

Fall 2024 Take Home Exams

Administrative Law


Intellectual Property


Exam Instructions

Find more information about preparing to take computer-based exams in the dropdown below. Before exams:

  • Retrieve your anonymous ID number
  • Install the current version of Exam4 Software
    • Provide your name and email address and select the version of Exam4 which is compatible with your computer.Download the installation file to your computer and install the new version.
  • Submit a practice exam
    • Submit a practice exam well in advance to help ensure that the software is working properly on your laptop. Additional instructions are in the dropdown menu below.

Important exam reminders:

  • Sign in and identify the method in which you are taking the exam, bluebook or laptop.
  • You can only take a final with your laptop if an instructor allows you to do so.
  • You must install the current version of the Exam4 software.
  • Submit a practice exam before your first final. This verifies that your laptop can be used for the exams.
  • Bring bluebooks in case your laptop experiences problems during exam.
  • Connect to the JAYHAWK Wireless Network and not to the KUGUEST network.
  • Unless your instructor says so, start the exam software in closed mode.
  • Bring a power adapter and plug in your laptop.
  • Verify that your laptop is not set to go into hibernate or other power save modes after some period of inactivity.

Computer-Based Exam Information

You may take your exam on your laptop only if your instructor allows you to do so. Please bring bluebooks even if you plan on taking the test on a laptop. If your laptop fails in the middle of the exam and the problem cannot be rectified quickly, you will be expected to continue the rest of the exam on a bluebook. Please read through the steps carefully if you plan on taking a final on your laptop.

To take a final on your laptop follow the following steps:

  1. Install the Exam4 Software on your laptop:
    • You will need the current version of Exam4. It is available for download here; you may also download it from Exam 4 website.
    • You will need to provide your name and email address and select the version of Exam4 which is compatible with your laptop.
    • Download the installation file on your computer and double click on it to install the new version.
  2. Take a practice test on your laptop

Follow these step-by-step instructions to submit a practice exam:

Exam Information for Students (1)

This screen will pop up until you submit a practice test.

Exam Information for Students (2)

Select "Prepare to start new exam."You may see copies of exams from previous semesters listed.

Exam Information for Students (3)

Please use the appropriate Anonymous ID in the Exam ID field so it is possible to determine who submitted an exam.

Exam Information for Students (4)

You may choose to have the software countdown your remaining time or alert you when you have a specified amount of time remaining. All choices on this page are entirely optional. The software will not shut down when the timer runs out.

Exam Information for Students (5)

If your computer fails the security check, it will inform you of a violation number to enter on this screen. You should leave this blank by default.

Exam Information for Students (6)

You should submit a practice exam in "CLOSED" mode to ensure your computer passes the security check. You should assume you will take your exam in CLOSED mode unless your instructor tells you otherwise.

Exam Information for Students (7)

In the actual exam, your instructor will tell you when to begin. You should wait at this screen for their instructions.

Exam Information for Students (8)

The security check can take up to several minutes. You can use this time to look over your exam.

Please take a few minutes to become familiar with the software during your practice exam. Exam4 does include a spell checker as well as some basic word processing functions.

Note the meter on top right hand side. Exam4 saves automatically every 10 seconds, and makes an additional separate backup every five minutes. The gray bar increments indicate incremental saves and the green bar indicates time until a backup copy is made. You can also make an extra backup copy at any time using the "Save" menu.

Choose "End Exam" when you are finished. You will be prompted to confirm. Choose "Submit Electronically."

Exam Information for Students (9)

Once your practice exam has been successfully submitted, you should see this screen. You do not need to do anything else, your exam has been stored on the server and you should be ready to use the software on final exams.

However, if your computer configuration changes, for example you switch laptops, or you are borrowing a friend's laptop, or you install a new program, you should submit another practice exam.

Sign in before the exam

A sign-in sheet with your name would be in the room where you will take tests on your laptop. It is imperative that you sign by your name if you are taking the test on your laptop. If you change your mind and want to take it on a bluebook please write "using bluebook" by your name. If you do not sign in, we will not expect to receive a final from you. If your final is not submitted correctly, it may not be evident until after you have received your final grade.

If I installed Exam4 last semester, do I need to install it again?

Yes. You need to download and install the newest version every semester.

I'm borrowing a laptop and have already submitted a practice exam. Do I need to submit another?

Yes. You should submit another practice exam to make sure the computer you will be using passes the security check.

What happens if my computer crashes?

Exam4 saves a local copy every 10 seconds. Unless your hard drive has completely failed, it is possible to retrieve that backup. We recommend that you bring bluebooks as well so if your machine does fail, you will not lose time.

What should I do if I have a problem during the exam?

  • Option 1: You can start writing the rest of the answers on a bluebook. After the exam, alert IT about the problem. Do not inform your instructor as it will hinder anonymity.
  • Option 2: There will be an IT support technician in Green Halltoassist you during the exam. More details will be sent out by email before the exam period. Your instructor decides whether you get extra time for a computer problem. If the problem cannot be resolved in a few minutes we suggest you start writing the rest on a bluebook.
  • Have you received your anonymous ID?
  • Have you downloaded and installed Exam4?
  • Have you successfully submitted a practice exam?
  • Are you aware of the policies regarding machine failure?
  • Do you have bluebooks ready in case your computer crashes in the middle of an exam?
  • Are you aware that you must sign in before every exam?
  • Are you familiar with the 99% submission error and how to prevent/fix it?
  • If you can answer affirmatively to the above questions, you should be prepared to use Exam4 for your final exams this semester.

For more information, contact:
IT Support
306 Green Hall

Academic Calendar

Exam Information for Students (10)

See all events

Student Academic Resources

  • Academic Calendar
  • Academic Regulations
  • Areas of Study
  • Certificates
  • Course Descriptions
  • Exam Information
  • First-Day Assignments
  • Prerequisites

Resources for Current Students

Shortcuts to KU email, Canvas, exam information and other frequently used resources.

More resources

Exam Information for Students (2024)


Is 4 days enough to study for an exam? ›

In general, plan to start about 7-10 days in advance to make sure you maximize your study time. Remember, it is better to space your studying out over a period of days rather than clustering your studying just before the exam. Ten hours of studying over 5 days is better than 10 hours of studying over 2 days!

Is 3 days enough to study for an AP exam? ›

When setting up your plan, it is more important to determine what you want to accomplish each week you spend studying instead of each day. Depending on the number of AP exams you will take, plan on studying 1 to 3 hours each day for 3 to 5 days a week.

What is the fastest way to memorize for an exam? ›

Use repetition to firmly lodge information in your memory. Repetition techniques can involve things like flash cards, using the simple tips in this section, and self-testing. Space out your studying and repetition over several days, and start to increase the time in between each study session.

What is the 1 3 5 7 study method? ›

When using the 2357 technique, you revise your notes and study materials over and over again, following a set schedule. In simplest terms, you revise your initial set of notes on day one, take a second look on day two and day three, then revisit them on day five and day seven.

What is the best time to study and memorize? ›

Scientists have found the best time for study! According to scientists, the brain is most alert and teachable at 10 am–2 pm and 4 pm–10 pm. (Source: Amber Student). If you would like to optimise your attention span and practise deep learning, then science advises you to study between the hours of 4 am and 7 am.

How long before a test should you stop studying? ›

In turn, this can lead you to perform worse than you otherwise would have if you hadn't reviewed at all. I recommend stopping studying 12-18 hours before the exam, depending on the test. This will give you ample time to relax and decompress, ensuring that you come into the exam fresh and ready to crush it.

Is it OK to not take a lot of AP classes? ›

For success in college admissions, there is no "magic number" of AP courses; it will depend on the individual student. If your child is highly ambitious and wants to take four AP classes in one semester, advise him or her to slow down! It's important to strike a balance between work and play.

Is a 3 OK on an AP test? ›

The College Board considers a score of 3 or higher a passing grade. That said, some colleges require a 4 or 5 to award credit. Whether a 3 is a good AP score depends on the colleges you're applying to.

Is taking 3 AP classes a lot? ›

In addition, ensure you devote enough time to studying for the SAT or ACT this year. For example, if you are hoping for an Ivy League, you will need to take 3-5 AP classes. On the other hand, taking 2-4 APs would be enough if you are aiming for less-competitive schools.

How many hours should you study for an exam? ›

When it comes to preparing for an exam, one of the most common questions is, - how long should you study for an exam? While the general advice hovers around 10 to 15 hours of dedicated study, it's essential to recognize that this isn't a one-size-fits-all formula.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5821

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.