How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (2024)

  • Jotform User Guide
  • Jotform Tables
  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel

May 16, 2024

Jotform’s data export tool allows you to export and download your form submissions as an Excel file. You can manage your data efficiently in an Excel spreadsheet which is particularly useful for large records.

This guide shows how to export your form entries to an Excel file. For more options, see How to Download Form Submissions as Excel, CSV, or PDF.

How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (1)

To download your submission data as an Excel file

  1. In Jotform Tables, select Download All in the upper-right corner
  2. Select Download as Excel from the menu.
How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (2)

You can also find the download options from the tab menu.

How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (3)

The download should start automatically once your file is ready which could take some time depending on the size of your records.

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How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (4)

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (5)

    David Dowell

    118 days ago

    my company is using Jotform as a way to submit work requests for maintenance and I was curious if thereis there a way to auto populate a permanent excel sheet with Jotform entries? as new ones come in, it will create a new row and populate the proper fields or columns.

    is this something that can be done with Jotform or does it require a third party app

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (6)


    263 days ago

    I don't seem to have the option to download my table to Excel or any other download option. Does this require certain level access?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (7)

    Jodi co*ckerham

    278 days ago

    when I tried to download my file in excel format I get an error message that says 'could not open in protected view'; That's never happened before. How do I change that?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (8)


    309 days ago

    I would like to change the layout of how the data exports into excel so I don't have to manually change it every time (eg: titles of questions running down the page), is this possible?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (9)

    Andy Rodriguez

    More than a year ago

    how do i edit the info in the excel file before it is exported?? all my cells are not showing in the excel file when it is downloaded

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (10)

    Norene Marinelli

    More than a year ago

    I am trying to download an excel . It keeps downloading but nothing happens

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (11)


    More than a year ago

    I am trying to create an excel spreadsheet for data from a survey form that has been shared with me. Can you tell me how to do that? Thanks

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (12)

    Mir Bilal

    More than a year ago

    i need last 4months snap

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (13)

    Colbrow Medics

    More than a year ago

    Do we have a tutorial about how to import Data from an Excel File to the Submission data? For example we started using Jotform in January 2022 but I need the data from last year as well. TIA

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (14)

    Michael Brown

    More than a year ago

    Do we have the ability to export at time of submission to an attachment?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (15)

    Celina Pinedo

    More than a year ago

    I am having the same problem as xaviercharter in the questions below: Jotform exported all my data except the first and last name field on multiple forms I'm currently working with. Please help!

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (16)


    More than a year ago


    May I know if jotform allows to cross tabulate data from my survey? If yes, how?

    View Answer

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (17)


    More than a year ago

    I have forms made and I need to know how to get the totals from each item.
    It breaks each field apart.... name , Order, phone, email ect.....
    I need the information in the ORDER part to be totaled by each size and product?
    Can you please help me...

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (18)


    More than a year ago

    Can you tell me the name of the export directory?

    View Answer

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (19)


    More than a year ago

    When using Jotform Tables, I would like to be able to copy and past only one of the columns or download it to excel. I don't want all of the data, just one column. Is that possible?

    View Answer

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (20)

    Ash*t Patel

    More than a year ago

    I want to know sumation of each product by total submission as I got in chart . I want that xls format instead of chart that I sent you earlier.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (21)


    More than a year ago

    Can I combine all submissions to a single excel file before download?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (22)


    More than a year ago

    when downloading the submission as excel, the signature did not display only its link
    please giving any suggestion to display the signature

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (23)


    More than a year ago

    Your excel format is set to 255 column width in some columns, and messes up other columns when edited.

    Not sure how to make your excel work like usual...

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (24)


    More than a year ago

    Why are the columns on my submission results in XLS in random order? I need to match up stores with quantity ordered, but the columns don't match up

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (25)


    More than a year ago

    could the fields have names or 'alias' other than the full question on the form.?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (26)


    More than a year ago

    Hi there, whem I am downloading data to the excel spreadsheet, the only information that is being downloaded is the date of submission. What's the reason? I would like to see all the details introduced to the form embodied into the excel format. Could you please help with that?
    Kind regards, Aggie

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (27)


    More than a year ago

    why do i not see any data when i export to excel?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (28)


    More than a year ago

    The cells in the jot form are exported to a single cell in the excel spreadsheet i.e.
    a1,25, b1,52,b2,27 instead of having each cell as separate column in the exported sheet

    Thus you can't use the data in the exported sheet for further analysis

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (29)


    More than a year ago

    When I download the excel worksheet, I can't get the pictures that go with the submission to load. I always get an error. What am I doing wrong?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (30)


    More than a year ago

    I don't have a submissions tab or page. My Jotform does not look like this?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (31)


    More than a year ago

    When I download my Excel file with the data, the columns are not labeled. They are labeled as
    No Label, No Label One, No Label Two, etc.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (32)

    Matthias Meier

    More than a year ago

    Downloading submissions as Excel Document ist not possible. theres always an error.

    thank you for youre help !

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (33)


    More than a year ago

    Manage my account

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (34)


    More than a year ago

    I have done this several times, each time it tells me that the file is corrupt. Please advise. I've tried both excel and PDF and the same thing keeps happening. I can see the preview, but when I actually try to open it I get the error message.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (35)


    More than a year ago

    I tried to download all submissions in xls form, for some reasons I always get the empty file.
    I checked the steps cannot see anything I did wrong. Can u help me pls

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (36)

    Cecilia Staunton

    More than a year ago

    We will need to track payments for each campaign in reporting. The examples here do not have payment amounts. Do all fields on the Jotform get their own field in an excel sheet when you run a report?


  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (37)


    More than a year ago

    I'm new to this and have been trying to export data to excel, but it only gives me the headings on the excel sheet, plus the submission date. None of the information on the form(s) comes through.
    What am I doing wrong?
    Thankyou. Lyn

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (38)


    More than a year ago

    the download only shows the date column and all the other data is blank! Help!

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (39)


    More than a year ago

    Jotform exported all my data except the first and last name field

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (40)


    More than a year ago

    How to export ==Payment Info== into the excel? Thanks

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (41)


    More than a year ago

    When i download the submissions the columns are not in the same order as the questions - why?
    It used to download in the same order before

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (42)


    More than a year ago

    Love the app. I have multiple products in my form. They all get smushed into one field. Is there any way to have them appear in separate cells so that I can easily count the # of each item ordered? Could not figure this out using Excel reports. Example - one person may order 4 t-shirts and 2 camping nights. Since all of this is one cell in Excel, I can't easily break it out.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (43)


    More than a year ago

    How do you have it export the excel to your google docs excel?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (44)


    More than a year ago

    Is there a way I can create an excel form template with the column widths predetermined?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (45)


    More than a year ago

    Hi there,
    Is there a way to separate item ordered into different rows?
    Thank you

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (46)

    Ryan Shreve

    More than a year ago

    Hello I'm using an encrypted form and I have uploaded by key. It did in fact decrypt for me to view within submission interface but as soon as I download to Excel or CSV, the downloaded file is showing the encrypted values again. How can I download the file with the values decrypted?


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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (47)


    More than a year ago

    I need to export a spreadsheet of all form submissions to Excel. How do I do multiple submissions?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (48)


    More than a year ago

    l want them to transfer the information automatically to an Excel spreadsheet

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (49)


    More than a year ago

    how to export the form records back to 1 year ago?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (50)


    More than a year ago

    Is there anyway to have the information that is entered on forms automatically downloaded into a spreadsheet? With Google forms, that process happens automatically so I know that the information on the spreadsheet is up to date. The form and the spreadsheet are linked in Google forms and that ensure that I'm looking at the most current information.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (51)


    More than a year ago

    Is there anyway to have the information that is entered on forms automatically downloaded into a spreadsheet? With Google forms, that process happens automatically so I know that the information on the spreadsheet is up to date. The form and the spreadsheet are linked in Google forms and that ensure that I'm looking at the most current information.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (52)


    More than a year ago

    is free version able to excell ? pls advise

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (53)


    More than a year ago

    It would be great to have a schedule option to allow this to run automatically and something like the last 50 or 25 or 100 etc.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (54)


    More than a year ago

    De que forma puedo descargar todos los formularios al mismo tiempo?
    y generar un respaldo.e

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (55)


    More than a year ago

    If the data is being downloaded encrypted ... how can I view the data

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (56)


    More than a year ago

    I have added the E-signature widget to a form, but when I download into Excel it on shows a url for the signature. Is there any way to download it as a picture. I will be exporting the excel information into a customised PDF form we use and want the signature to show in the correct place.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (57)


    More than a year ago

    how to send data from jotform to Google Spreadsheet

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (58)


    More than a year ago

    Can we, by typing in the form data, have our Excel sheet filled with information after it is downloaded in our computer?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (59)

    Martin Atamian

    More than a year ago

    How export results of a spreadsheet in form to google sheet?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (60)


    More than a year ago

    We have booking coming for several tours, so will there be only one excel sheet right through. How can be manage into different excel file or sheets?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (61)

    Nourhan Ashraf

    More than a year ago

    I want help when I export my submission in to excel sheet the excel sheet appear all the information even information that I delete it when I build my form so how can I export it only with the information I want it
    Thank you

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (62)


    More than a year ago

    When I opened the excel document after download, it was blank, even though I have 13 submissions. Why is that?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (63)


    More than a year ago

    i've pressed the excel download, and all i get is the coded version of the submitter's answers.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (64)

    Aryan K Sarma

    More than a year ago

    I was searching a lot to ascertain if a Form on click submit button saves it,but did not get result. you only confirmed it.Thanks,but where all saved Form are stored? can I have access to it? your tips are helpful. Is there any other method necessary to add to save the Form separately?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (65)


    More than a year ago

    Just received a form from a person to fill out. So stupid! NO idea how to save so half way through filling it out I hit some random key and LOST all of my entered responses. You should have a better way to save or something that is more user friendly. I will use this form for her because I HAVE to but I will not use these myself. Not user friendly.

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (66)


    More than a year ago

    I downloaded the excel sheet but cant see the documents uploaded as attachments in excel
    How do I do that?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (67)


    More than a year ago

    I will tray

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (68)


    More than a year ago

    Thank you, I will start doing it
    then I let you know how is going
    Thank again for the information

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (69)


    More than a year ago

    I completed all three steps and says download complete ... but where did it go & how do I access it??

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (70)


    More than a year ago

    My form has multiple products and multiple sub options. All product details came over to Excel in one column, I need a way to parse them out into its own column. What's the best way to do that?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (71)


    More than a year ago

    I don't see the export excel option. Is it still functioning?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (72)


    More than a year ago

    I made my own form. Is it possible to export directly into excel and use one of the workbooks we have as a default to grab the information?

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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (73)


    More than a year ago

    i have a lot of submissions but got a very small (50kb) xlsx file after pushing "export to excel"


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  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (74)


    More than a year ago

    The data is being transferred to the Excel spreadsheet, but is encoded. Is there a way for me to export it without the encoding?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (75)


    More than a year ago

    my form has the Encrypt Form Data on, how can I export the form submissions so I can see the submissions and not jumbled letters?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (76)


    More than a year ago

    Je connais cette procédure, mais ce n'est pas ce que je souhaite.
    A chaque nouvelle soumission je souhaite récupérer la totalité des soumissions par l'intermédiaire d'un flux de données (data flow) automatique sans intervention manuelle. je veux accéder à un fichier actualisé "up to date" à partir d'un Excel en VBA (par langage de programmation)

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (77)


    More than a year ago

    How can I export several forms in one excel?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (78)


    More than a year ago

    sir, I am facing a problem when submit a form and not showing redirectly submission.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (79)


    More than a year ago

    Hi can anyone show how will it look like?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (80)

    Nikita Varman

    More than a year ago

    Is it possible to generate multiple submissions onto a single excel spreadsheet?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (81)


    More than a year ago


    when I download the excel data, the sheet are empty...Please help! Thank you

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (82)


    More than a year ago

    Data is not exported to Excel.
    Please help.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (83)


    More than a year ago

    how can i get the submission ID into my excel export?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (84)


    More than a year ago

    i have a form with over 500 submissions and the Submissions will not pull up so i can export.... what do i do?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (85)


    More than a year ago

    mi pregunta si puedo seleccionar todos los formularios que he creado y exportar los a un solo archivo de excel

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (86)


    More than a year ago

    Is there a way to have the exported file name NOT include the current date/time stamp? I would like to have it replace the file to the same name.

    Or is there a way to truncate the new information into an existing file?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (87)


    More than a year ago

    One of my forms exports as a corrupt file that crashes Excel. I've downloaded it multiple times, on multiple computers, on multiple browsers, but each file that is exported crashes Excel. I've never had this issue with any other form before. I tested this across similar forms with no issue. Could you please advise?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (88)


    More than a year ago

    it out of order at 29-30, please help to fix it, i have many data need to export from excel T-T

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (89)


    More than a year ago

    Hi ... my submissions are not showing up and I can not export to excel - is there something I am not doing quite right?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (90)


    More than a year ago

    Having managed IT teams for 10+ years, I wish I had thought this deeply about how to build our processes. Rather, I allowed myself to get caught up in doing 'stuff'. Will be passing this onto my old colleagues.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (91)


    More than a year ago

    not working!!!!

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (92)


    More than a year ago

    I have managed to export my data in xls but I don't have all the information because my matrix is larger than what is supported by the xls format.

    Is there a way to export in "xlsx" format?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (93)


    More than a year ago

    Its not working, i can't get the excel file HELP!!!!!

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (94)


    More than a year ago

    I understand how to export and when I do, the data is formatted in headers and not at all like the grid I see. Is there a way to see the grid instead of it converting the store locations into headers? The form is in grid view, the pdf is in grid view, even the submissions are in grid view, but then I export and it doesn't keep the same format. Please tell me I can keep the same format.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (95)

    Scott Carter

    More than a year ago

    Hi. A blog that I read have simplified the process of exporting Form Data to Excel

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (96)

    sanjeeb kr paral

    More than a year ago

    pls give suggestion for the exported business

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (97)


    More than a year ago

    Hi, I already have a form that exports the data into a PDF format.

    What I would like to do is to export the main Excel spreadsh*t with all informations in Dropbox.

    How can I do that??

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (98)


    More than a year ago

    OK, I Clicked on My Forms, went to the page, but I don't see anything that says "Download as Excel" or really anything else.

    Just my form selected at top and list on left.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (99)


    More than a year ago

    The function of Export does not work now.
    The situation has been lasting for half an hour.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (100)


    More than a year ago

    My form will not download in Excel or CSV format. Cannot integrate with Google Docs. Too many submissions?Help!

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (101)


    More than a year ago

    Don’t Avoid Hard Tasks. So true. When you tackle the hard stuff first, the stuff that churns your stomach, the stuff that gives you the 'fear', everything else is so much easier.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (102)


    More than a year ago

    this does not work@
    There used to be a way to access the spreadsheet directly from an external link with automatically updated information (so other people could access the spreadsheet whenever they needed to without accessing the account). Is this still available? I can't find that option and want to delegate access to the information without providing access to the underlying forms.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (103)


    More than a year ago

    The excel document will not automatically update with new form submissions...why?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (104)


    More than a year ago

    Thank you for this very interesting reading. Have a nice day Aytekin. ;)

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (105)


    More than a year ago

    I have 48 submissions of which 29 are new. Before the new ones I changed a radio button to a check box. I would like to download all. I can do that. All the rows download, but only about 4 of the download rows show the data. The rest are blank in the data columns, although in the submissions view I can see the data. How do I get the data to download?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (106)


    More than a year ago

    Hi i have created a form and linked it to my facebook account but now i am not able to edit the form. My forms account does not show any entry of the account.

    This is the form and i want to edit this form. Can you help?

    View Answer

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (107)


    More than a year ago

    Is there a way i can display the completed form on my website. so people can see what the other person has answered? like a review on something for example.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (108)


    More than a year ago

    REALLY, REALLY IMPORTANT: Any updates on this?

    "Can we get Jotform to break out the components of the payment widget into multiple columns in the Excel export option? All information from the payment widget is lumped into one column."

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (109)


    More than a year ago

    Is there a way to display the information submitted using the form on a webpage, right away after hitting the submit button?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (110)


    More than a year ago

    I have a only dispalying today in my submission forms. I cant find a way to change that so that I can see all submissions

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (111)

    Linda Anderson

    More than a year ago

    REALLY IMPORTANT: Has this problem been fixed yet? Thanks!

    "Can we get Jotform to break out the components of the payment widget into multiple columns in the Excel export option? All information from the payment widget is lumped into one column."

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (112)


    More than a year ago

    how can i get php code to upload this form to my database? someone help:(

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (113)


    More than a year ago

    Can we get Jotform to break out the components of the payment widget into multiple columns in the Excel export option? All information from the payment widget is lumped into one column. It is hard to manage in this format. It would be so much easier to have it broken out into columns for the description, quantity and price/total. Having the quantity and totals in their own columns is essential to even use those numbers in a spreadsheet. As it currently stands those values are useless until they are manually added to their own columns.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (114)


    More than a year ago

    Create an excel report.

    Open my forms,
    Click on the form
    Click on reports on the top toolbar
    Create an excel report

    IMPORTANT: Please ask your questions to the forum.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (115)


    More than a year ago

    CGA's question is a good one. Is there an answer?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (116)


    More than a year ago

    There used to be a way to access the spreadsheet directly from an external link with automatically updated information (so other people could access the spreadsheet whenever they needed to without accessing the account). Is this still available? I can't find that option and want to delegate access to the information without providing access to the underlying forms.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (117)


    More than a year ago

    No you can't. Different forms are thought to have different fields which means it is not possible to create one report for multiple forms. If you have clones of the form, then you are advised to use only one form and create report from that.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (118)


    More than a year ago

    Is there a way to create one report for multiple forms?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (119)


    More than a year ago

    Since you have the Excel expport of your submissions you can delete your submissions.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (120)


    More than a year ago

    Once I export the data from my jotform excel sheet, can I delete that information to keep it from going on and on?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (121)


    More than a year ago

    Is this feature working now?

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (122)


    More than a year ago

    I need this for products or service ordering & booking.

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (123)


    More than a year ago

    This export is not working as of 12:11 PM EDT 9/14/2010 and I need it to be!

  • How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (124)

How to Export Your Form Data to Excel (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.