v1.19 - Vintage Story (2024)

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.10)

20th December 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb) (don't use if you want the new music track added in pre8)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Feature: Snowballs! Scoop up snowballs from deep snow and throw them at your friends. There are also some options for those that aren't really feeling the holiday spirit this year.... Can also turn snowballs into water.
  • Feature: Rough implementation of wild animal trapping complete
  • Feature: Added 3 new beards!
  • Tweak: Gameplay balancing
    • Tweak: Terra Preta is no longer generated during worldgen. High fertility soil will be generated instead. Terra preta is now made in the crafting grid, as high fertility soil was previously. However crafting terra preta requires charcoal and bone meal, in addition to compost. High fertility soil can be included in the recipe, to increase the yield of Terra Preta.
  • Tweak: Chisel durability cost for recycling a steel anvil increased to match steel chisel durability. Anvil recycling recipes made shapeless.
  • Tweak: Sound FX fine tuning
  • Tweak: Goats now have unique sfx
  • Tweak: Many blocks that were missing sfx now have sfx assigned that fits with other blocks of the same type. Additionally normalized sludge walk sfx
  • Tweak: Malefactor pendant now worn on neck, rather than emblem location
  • Tweak: WorldEdit removed legacy commands (mfill, mcopy, ...), use /worldconfigcreate bool legacywecommands true/false to enable/disable them
  • Tweak: Better hover info text on "landform scale" world config, changed selectable values to 20% increments instead of 10%
  • Tweak: Terminus translocators can now be placed directionally and no longer always face west
  • Tweak: Crowns, hoods, and other head-worn clothign are now 3D models. All crowns should be display-case-able
  • Tweak: Tin bronze falx damage slightly increased
  • Tweak: Adjusted item transforms for clay, flint, and shears.
  • Tweak: Tin bronze spear durability reduced, bismuth bronze spear durability increased (in line with typical precedent of other tools and weapons)
  • Tweak: Updated some of the hover text for Settings menu (Resolution, Chunk upload rate limiter, Mouse modifiers locked to Sneak/Sprint)
  • Tweak: Add missing hotkey reminders for other interface settings
  • Tweak: Plaster should be easier to orientate consistent with planks and logs
  • Tweak: Termite mounds now have some variance in termite drops, and the larger mounds drop more.
  • Tweak: Minor fixes to ruins, and a reasonable rarity setting for the village and underground ruin generation (still needs a lot of testing if it's all right!)
  • Tweak: Jugs can now be used to make dough
  • Fixed: Plaster not keeping current texture rotation when being chiseled; additionally rotating or flipping chiseled plaster now also rotates the texture correctly
  • Fixed: Crash when chiseling meta objects such as "collider" cubes
  • Fixed: Hopefully a fix to tiny ruins having "chopped off" their tops
  • Fixed: Treasure Hunter trader unable to buy player-crafted iron & leather shield; additionallyTreasure Hunter trader will now buy an iron & leather shield in any color
  • Fixed: Various helmets and other headgear obscuring facial hair when it should not
  • Fixed: Many helmets were set too high on the seraph's head, so eyes did not line up correctly
  • Fixed: Z-fighting on underside of chimney block
  • Fixed: Barrel cactus adjacent patches z-fighting sometimes, depending on rotation
  • Fixed: Crash when right clicking an entity with unlit torch
  • Fixed: Game crashing on the mod manager with invalid mods
  • Fixed: Gate and Oldworld tapestry not triggering lore discovery
  • Fixed: Game crashing when trying to break green bamboo with an axe
  • Fixed: Snow layers falling from trees etc now do not destroy sticks, stones, boulders etc. but instead cover them
  • Fixed: Peanuts could not be used in the cooking pot.
  • Fixed: Wrong material with rotated chisel blocks in schematics/ruins
  • Fixed: Some meats were not displaying correct incontainer textures
  • Fixed: Seawater missing incontainer translation
  • Fixed: Bees no longer attack arrows, spears and armor stands
  • Fixed: Metal nails and strips had incorrect smelting properties
  • Fixed: Fruit juice portions with 2 decimal places in quantity could not be fermented in barrel
  • Fixed: Copying glider schematic gave an extra copy
  • Fixed: Sieve could have durability completely repaired by placing on ground
  • Fixed: Pickled vegetables in soup did not have translations
  • Fixed: Firewood recipe in the handbook would sometimes display incorrect output numbers for certain firewood, now shows the 3-output recipes separate from the 4-output recipes
  • Fixed: Most potted flowers, and potted bamboo saplings, missing windwave
  • Fixed: Forest floor had incorrect texture on bottom face
  • Fixed: Cured fish not showing in creative inventory
  • Fixed: Ingots had incorrect shelf transform
  • Fixed: Game crashing from deleting ore readings. Fixed too small hitbox around map waypoints/orepoints on GUI scales above 8
  • Fixed: Clutter bookshelves not correctly rotated
  • Fixed: Don't show chisels in the anvil recycling handbook recipes that are too low tier to actually work with a given anvil
  • Fixed: Renamed some clutter blocks to fit convention.
  • Fixed: Hot springs no longer spawning steam particles
  • Fixed: Tall display case missing crafting recipe
  • Fixed: Harvested tule & sedge dropped full height plant, allowing continuous replanting and reharvesting
  • Fixed: Wrong shadows with Hide GUI (F4) enabled
  • Fixed: Other players invisible
  • Fixed: Pretty important numerical typo in the Prospecting Guide; fixed bad torch links in handbook
  • Fixed: Rare crash when switching focus while game is shutting down, and prevent potential similar issues with mouse and key presses during shutdown.
  • Fixed: Able to put more than 10L worth of mash into the Fruit press, causing undefined behavior
  • Fixed: Ability to add infinite ingots/plates to a workpiece when smithing (after 3 it wouldn't add more voxels), thanks to KonaCoffeeDrgn [GH issue 3250]
  • Fixed: Metal plate recipe showing up as recipe of a metalplate, thanks to KonaCoffeeDrgn [GH issue 3250]
  • Fixed: Ability to add any metal plate to a workpiece when smithing, thanks to KonaCoffeeDrgn [GH issue 3250]
  • 1.19 related changes
    • Tweak: Improved fp animations for idles, emotes, shears, knapping, and clayforming
    • Tweak: Updated food transforms to work with new fp system
    • Tweak: Improved eating animation
    • Tweak: Knife now has two animations, one for breaking blocks and one for hitting entities
    • Tweak: Chisel and firestarter now have animations again
    • Fixed: Unable to harvest a lot of animals
    • Fixed: /we exp,expc with c argument to copy the mark command to client now uses new syntax plus on exp it never sent the data to the client
    • Fixed: Work items removed from anvil were invisible
    • Fixed: Guemal were missing antlers
    • Fixed: Fp hand animation derp when loading in a game with blocks in hands
    • Fixed: Ugly workaround to mysterious misconfiguration causing the game to crash when placing any of the 1.19 animals
  • API Feature: Entity code remapper, to preserve entities in previously saved chunks or schematics if entity codes have to change [details: to use it, either run /eir command at game startup or add /eir commands to core config file remapentities.json]
  • API Tweak: trade items can specify AttributesToIgnore (see Treasure Hunter trader for an example); can also be done using a single wildcard * for the attribute value
  • Api Tweak: Allow wearables to be eyeprotective, which if worn have the effect that the player does not put hands up to protect the face in strong winds
  • API Refactor: The assets packet that is sent to the client is now built after the server has launched. This creates *much* less headache when loading or modifying assets in code during startup
  • API Fixed: WorldReady server startup event not being triggered
  • API Refactor: Trough / Creature diet system rewrite. A creature's food preference is now in each entity type, instead of partially in the trough code. Food preference is now detached from specific itemstacks instead it is defined by FoodCategories, FoodTags and SkipFoodTags. Example:

creatureDiet: {
foodCategories: ["Grain", "Fruit", "Vegetable", "Protein"],
foodTags: ["fruitmash"],
skipFoodTags: ["rice", "parsnip"]

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.9)

8th December 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb) (don't use if you want the new music track added in pre8)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Feature: All underground ruins now completely reworked
  • Feature: Added Angora goats
  • Tweak: Can now lower the first person hands to one's liking in Settings->Interface
  • Tweak: Pickled olives can now be used in pies and the cooking pot. Peanuts can be used in pies. Added barrel textures for both. Soybeans now have a 3d item model.
  • Tweak: Pumpkins can no longer be eaten whole, but must be cut into pieces to eat (like pineapple).
  • Tweak: Pineapple and pumpkin grid recipes now shapeless, clay oven model chimney shortened 1/2 voxel to cleanly meet chiseled blocks above. New thatch model.
  • Tweak:Baby goats basket-able
  • Tweak: Trough foods, multiply behavior, and milk behavior added to goats. Max shrub spawn condition increased greatly
  • Tweak: Worldgen: Trader carts no longer spawn in the Arctic (nor in the Antarctic!)
  • Tweak: When sneaking, armor noises will now match with the lower volume of walk and inside sfx. (Sneaking previously only affected walking and inside walking sfx.)
  • Tweak: Glass blocks now have a unique walk sfx
  • Tweak: Improved transforms for backpacks
  • Tweak: Updated underground lakes to match the new ruins style.
  • Tweak: The plaques in the Resonance Archives are now translatable into other languages
  • Tweak: First person flying animation adjusted
  • Tweak: Added more game credits
  • Tweak: implement Greenhouses mechanic explanation in the Handbook, and fix its lang strings
  • Tweak: Added "/entity cmd [selector] rmbh [code]" to remove a behavior at runtime
  • Fixed: Players were omitting knockback when hit, since 1.18.2
  • Fixed: Fixed: Handbook entries for Flax twine and Linen incorrectly stated right-click to repair; add similar Handbook text for Sewing kit
  • Fixed: Screenshot hyperlinks in the in-game chat were not clickable if the user's screenshots path contained a space
  • Fixed: Underground ruins would not spawn with decors/overlays
  • Fixed: Chiseled blocks in schematics would not rotate the texture
  • Fixed: BlockRandomizer resolving of meta-blocklayer to local block it would always spawn an air block
  • Fixed:/wgen pos structuresnot working for underground ruins
  • Fixed: /wgen structures spawn not spawning in BlockEntities, causing unknown blocks
  • Fixed: WorldEdit operations (Move,Mirror,Repeat,Undo,Redo) now also include entities
  • Fixed: WorldEdit move tool would move by a multiple of the amount set in the tool
  • Fixed: WorldEdit selection would not properly update on various tools and undo/redo
  • Fixed: /time stop and /time resumecommands now working
  • Fixed: Helve hammer mold-rackable despite not fitting visually now no longer rackable. z-fighting on back of Falx mold.
  • Fixed: Worldgen: No longer generate patches of barren rock near sealevel in some cold areas, now has barren topsoil
  • Fixed: Typos in English-language version of First Steps tutorial, and re-written some of its text, various other typos and grammar in other texts
  • Fixed: First Steps tutorial detection of sprint + forwards keys now order-independent
  • Fixed: Handbook crash while viewing tutorial (#3259), thanks to korobya
  • Fixed: Tutorial progress not saving when tutorial stopped manually, thanks to korobya
  • Fixed: Cold areas sometimes generated underwater ice lakes and overlapping gravel with ice blocks
  • Fixed: Added translations for pomegranate, lychee, and breadfruit pies. Added ability to pickle olives, and translations for their derivatives. Fixed some transforms.
  • 1.19 related changes
    • Tweak: More fp animations fine tuning
    • Tweak: Tule and Brown Sedge plant fine tuning related to color and worldgen. Also harvestable with a scythe now.
    • Tweak: Improved sling and bow anims. Each bow variant now has its own animation.
    • Fixed: First person hands and items clipping into terrain
    • Fixed: Derpy death animation in new first person mode
    • Fixed: Client crash when looking at stony rubble, fixed stony rubble going invisible in ruins
    • Fixed: Antler stage changing after world reload, fixed moose having no antlers,
    • Fixed: Several minor memory leaks, warnings and errors that were logged to the logfile
    • Fixed: Missing aiming animation when using bows
    • Fixed: Odd dark framing visual artifact around held items (by disabling SSAO on held items)
    • Fixed: Missing rock type info on rocktyped rubble, fixed underground ruins not taking on local rock type (for the most part...), attempt to fix structures generating below mantle
    • Fixed: First Steps tutorial not progressing past hand basket in 1.19
    • Fixed: Correct lang keys for dead foxes in 1.19, add key for dead fox pup
    • Fixed: Schematics rotations remapping with chiseled blocks (WorldEdit, Worldgen)
    • Fixed: Scroll rack did not have any mention of its wood type, fix naming on other scroll racks to tell them apart more easily
  • API Refactor: Added IWorldAccessor argument to OnTransformed() method in IRotatable interface
  • API Tweak: Can now define animation for the firestarter (e.g. via attributes: { igniteAnimation: "startfire" }) and for shield block (create anim called shieldBlock)
  • API Tweak: Entity hud info box now shows entity code in extended debug info mode
  • API Fixed: Loading order issues when modding in new cave art

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.8)

3rd December 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb) (don't use if you want the new music track)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Feature: New Animal! Added 10 types of goat. (Work-in-progress. Some epic sounds for the goats are on the way...)
  • Feature: Added new Music track "Arctic Winds" for the polar regions
  • Feature: Added new Tule plants beside lakes (usually spawning in different places from Cattails, more common around high altitude lakes). These drop thatch. Thatch roofing can be made from thatch or dry grass in this version; in the future Thatch roofing will be craftable from thatch only.
  • Feature: Added new Brown Sedge plants in wet/marshy areas in cooler climates. They drop dry grass.
  • Feature: Boars and Sows are now intensely protective towards their offspring. They become highly aggressive if there are piglets nearby. This behavior disappears after generation 3.
  • Feature: Structure generation updates
    • Ruined surface villages should generate properly now, albeit rarely
    • Removed legacy blocks from trader outposts
    • Fixed topsoil generating underwater inside structures
    • Should fix ruins generating too deep by default. Modders: Please note, a worldgen structure offsetY now defaults to -1 (used to be 0)
    • Tweak: Resonance Archives entrance improvements. Feature sections of the shaft are now not repeated; internal water blocks removed if it happens to spawn in lake/ocean
  • Lots of WorldEdit fine tuning
    • Tweak: Flood tool: rename "ignore rocks" to "ignore loose surface items" and include (loosesticks, loosestones, looseboulders, looseflints, looseores, loosegears) to be ignored
    • Tweak: Add /we exp as alias for /we export
    • Tweak: The UI tools no longer focus the first textbox in the tool options dialog when a new tool is selected (therefore, the user can still move normally using movement keys etc.)
    • Tweak: Import tool immediately has "From Clipboard" mode active, when the tool is selected, if there were already blocks in the clipboard: helps workflow
    • Tweak: Schematic placement preview can now be partially transparent, set this using command .clientconfig previewTransparency v where v is the desired transparency level between 0.0 (solid) and 1.0 (clear)
    • Tweak: Add command to disable right settings panel in the worldedit dialog: use command.we rsp on/off
    • Tweak: Delete, fill, and delete-nearby now also removes all entities within the affected area
    • Fixed: Importing of schematics exported from older game versions is now possible, we now remap the blocks and items on import
    • Fixed: Chiselblock and Microblock in schematics now also remap their materials on schematic import
    • Fixed: update temperature and transition state (perishable) for items inside containers and racks when importing schematics [Detail: since a schematic could be imported from an other game where a completely different amount of in-game time had passed]
    • Fixed: Schematics now also import/export the fluid layer
    • Fixed: Pipes, and other clutter blocks, which are rotated in schematics, now have their correct rotations even when the schematic is rotated when imported/placed
    • Fixed: Worldedit undo/redo now properly set blocks with water (when using undo it would leave behind flowing water)
    • Fixed: Decors now get properly placed/removed with undo/redo
    • Fixed: Multiple issues related to rotations of decors and fluid layer
    • Fixed: Issues with Mirror, Repeat and Move tool with water and decors
    • Fixed: Undo now removes any entities just spawned (note: entities spawn when doing import/place of schematic or copy of selection, but not on redo)
    • Fixed: For schematics with entities, if one entity was not available then no entities were spawned; now it logs an error and spawns the remaining (available) entities
    • Fixed: Free floating single rock no longer popping off if AllowFallingBlocks is set to false
    • Fixed: Exception on /we shift shorthands (sms, smn,...)
    • Fixed: /we shift n 2 would always use 1 as the amount
    • Fixed: Tapestries disappearing or changing or becoming rotten whenever a schematic is imported or copied...
    • Fixed: MagicWand selection would cause to insert two historystates upon selection
  • Water physics fine tuning
    • Tweak: Water can "heal" slightly more easily if solid blocks placed in water and then removed (details: 2 direct neighbour source blocks + 3 diagonal neighbour source blocks is now enough to heal a position)
    • Fixed: Water continuing to have surface flow after fully healed
    • Fixed: A few edge-cases where water block flow was not updating on the diagonal neighbors
    • Fixed: Block updates near the worldgen-created boundary between fresh water and salt water do not cause catastrophic collapse of water levels
  • Tweak: Visual fine tuning
    • Feature: Added crystal layer decor block for all crystal types (to be used in a future crystal vug rework)
    • Tweak: Fixed godray ray directions. Before, the rays would not exactly start from the center of the sun. Increased god ray intensity and fine tuned its shader.
    • Tweak: More haptic menu buttons
    • Tweak: Added copper rim to normal and tall display cases. Reduced opacity of aged tall display cases by 50%. Added 4 variants of aged firepit clutter.
    • Tweak: Improved sieve item textures. Added clothing drying rack clutter. Some changes to fancy bed with drapes.
    • Fixed: Ambient occlusion from stairs, slabs and other non-full cubes was broken in almost all directions
    • Fixed: Water against solid/near-solid Microblocks is now rendered correctly
    • Fixed: incorrect block breaking overlay on Bamboo
    • Fixed: LOD popping at very short view distances (32 and 64)
  • Tweak: Sound FX fine tuning
    • Feature: Walking through bushes (normal leaves, narrow leaves, berry bushes, fruit tree leaves) will now have a sfx for passing through
    • Tweak: Cooking pots can no longer be heard from an extreme distance away (could be heard more than 32 blocks away, previously)
    • Tweak: Loose stones and ores, and Loose sticks, now have a small collision box so that they trigger step sounds correctly
    • Tweak: Leaf rustle and other Inside Block sounds now tied to position and movement with more precision
    • Fixed: Glass slabs that used BlockSlabSnowRemove playing the rain ambient noise all the time
    • Various fixes to the newly added indoor rain ambient sounds
  • Tweak: Add a proper maximized Borderless windowed option and fix related weird window behaviour
  • Tweak: Added firepit clutter blocks, clothes drying rack clutter block, another variant of aged tall display case, another variant of a ruined bed
  • Tweak: Added various human and animal skeleton clutter blocks, like other clutter blocks these are rotatable
  • Tweak: Add item description for knife blade items, to try to help new players who think that knife blades are knives
  • Tweak: Added a warning to serverconfig.json in non-dedicated server installations that edits in this file also affect single player worlds, which is a common source of confusion
  • Tweak: Added "/dev settranslateable true" command to mark a looked at sign block as translateable
  • Tweak: New command .timelapse <interval-in-days> <duration-in-months> for taking a set of timelapse photographs of the same spot over several hours, days or seasons: find the images in folder Pictures/Vintagestory/timelapse (note: as currently implemented the world does not actually change while the photographs are being taken, for example crops will not grow, snow will not fall, this is intended only for seeing the visual changes of the changing time of day or changing seasons)
  • Tweak: In Extended Debug mode (.edi), add the Axis directions to the coordinates HUD
  • Tweak: new /entity cmd <entity> birth command to test entities' multiply behavior (could also feasibly be used by a command block)
  • Tweak: Don't crash on invalid block entities
  • Fixed: bug where attempting to walk over low blocks (slabs, etc) at oblique angles, the player would be forced to travel along the side of the block instead of stepping up onto it
  • Fixed: .map command would not show up in the Commands Handbook
  • Fixed: Able to travel very fast with gliders and roads of ladders
  • Fixed: Various cases where chiseled blocks were not detected as room-enclosing
  • Fixed: Removed duplicated remappings which printed errors in the player's chat window when opening old worlds
  • Fixed: Missing lang keys relating to Handbook, Tutorial, world configurations, and some of the 1.19 game elements
  • Fixed: Some trees getting unintentionally growth stunted or 'flat-top' appearance
  • Fixed: Books went vertical when placed on the ground
  • Fixed: Clay Oven fuel positioning; and fixed that fuel was removable even after burning
  • Fixed: Should fix a reported client side crash with the Mycelium block entity
  • v1.19 related changes
    • Tweak: Continue work on the new first person mode
      • Tweak: FP animation improvements to torch, lantern, arrow, and shield
      • Tweak: FP animation improvements for bow and knife
      • Tweak: Idle swimming animation ('treading water') fine tuning
      • Fixed: Dont render hands while sleeping
      • Fixed: Seraph hands clipping through bottom of the clay pot when in active hands
      • Fixed: Idle and use/hit animation playing at the same time on long duration use/hit interactions
      • Fixed: Plenty of other small issues
    • Tweak: Continue to refine and fix various issues with deer and their antlers
    • Tweak: Various additional slight performance improvements to worldgen
    • Tweak: Update community translations
    • Fixed: Game still asking to download dependencies on user-disabled mods
    • Fixed: Breaking bamboo was crashing the game in 1.19
    • Fixed: .reload shapes command was crashing the game in 1.19
  • API Tweak: Allow use of meta-layer block in the randomizer block
  • API Tweak: Rename command "/debug roomregdebug" to "/debug rooms". "/debug rooms hi" will now by default highlight the room at the current player location instead of highlighting room 0 of current chunk. Can still provide a room index as argument
  • API Tweak: Worldgen village generator can now define min/maxquantity per schematic group
  • API Tweak: Entity multiply behavior now has a new optional property "spawnEntityCodes" to allow randomized variant offspring of a creature; for simple cases where there is only one type of offspring, "spawnEntityCode" (in the singular) can be used. e.g. spawnEntityCodes: [ { code: "deer-{type}-male-baby" },{ code: "deer-{type}-female-baby" } ],
  • API Tweak: Decors can now have 3D shapes without needing variants for every orientation: these shapes are now automatically rotated to the side they are attached to (default: bottom)
  • API Tweak: Can read own entity debug info via command .debug self
  • API Tweak: Allow use of 2 completely separate parallel running animation sets for the client seraph. One for first person mode, another for third person/shadow pass
  • API Tweak: Bows can now define custom aim animations via aimAnimationCode attribute
  • API Tweak: Knife can now define custom attack and block break animation via attributes knifeHitBlockAnimation and knifeHitEntityAnimation
  • API Tweak: Cleanup API XML documentation (mainly missing/old parameter names)
  • API Tweak: added "resolveImport" parameter to OnLoadCollectibleMappings to disable resolving on WorldEdit commands [Detail: old method remains but is marked obsolete and redirect to the new method with resolveImport defaulting to true. For WorldEdit this parameter is now set using/we replace-meta true/false[default false]. During worldgen it is always true. So now it can be changed in WorldEdit when working with schematics, without affecting worldgen]
  • API Tweak: Refactored most of the player entity related code in EntityShapeRenderer into EntityPlayerShapeRenderer
  • API Tweak: new BlockPos() is now obsolete, please use new BlockPos(int dimensionId) or BlockPos.Copy() - this will help future dimensions code compatibility
  • API Tweak: IWorldChunk.ContainsBlock() method for quickly checking whether or not the chunk contains a specific block ID
  • API Refactor: Switch from System.Data.SQLite to Microsoft.Data.SQLite to enable ARM CPU support in the future
  • API Refactor: GlobalConstants.DefaultEntityTrackingRange renamed to GlobalConstants.DefaultSimulationRange. Made it configurable via servermagicnumbers.json
  • API Fixed: BeginSubs and BeginSubcommands would not add the aliases properly

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.7)

16th November 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • v1.19 related changes
    • Fixed: No longer able to eat
    • Fixed: Able to place antler mounts in air
    • API Fixed: NullreferenceException when using IWearableShapeSupplier

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.5)

4th November 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Feature: Microblocks, such as those in ruins, can now be excavated from soil. Ruin microblocks blocks also no longer drop themselves. (Will make rocky ones drop individual stones in the future)
  • Tweak: The standard sapling growth rate in the customize world screen is now "Normal (1x)" instead of "Somewhat slower (2x)" but also doubled the growth days of saplings.
    For players of 1.18 worlds: Use command "/worldconfig saplingGrowthRate 1" if you want default sapling growth times, they will be twice the default otherwise.
  • Tweak: Modified hitboxes of deer and several other animals. Wolves will now attack some of the smaller deer species, and fawns.
  • Tweak: Various roof block model changes to fix gaps between roof blocks and snow inconsistency. Most noticeable on the slate and copper roofs. Additionally thatch and aged thatch roofs have some of the loose hay now gently sway in the wind.
  • Tweak: ItemWrench order rotations by name and remove duplicates from list
  • Tweak: Bear & deer general spawning reduced about 20-25%. Brown bear lower spawn range moved further north, to reduce black and brown bears spawning in same places. Elk and Moose lower spawn latitudes moved further north.
  • Tweak: Sound changes
    • Deer and moose noises added (WIP)
    • New sounds for stepping on sticks and loose stones (also fixed boulder's missing sfx).
    • Additional wolf howl sfx, plus further cleanup of original wolf howl sfx (same for the pup).
    • Fixed hotspring sludge sound not playing
    • Fixed water step sound not playing when the liquid block contained other blocks
  • Tweak: Creative save FreeMoveAxisLock and restore on join
  • Tweak: Torch holder light color now the same as a regular torch.
  • Tweak: Dead animals now show in their block info if they got electrocuted
  • Tweak: Falling rock from caveins now very painful
  • Fixed: Another Memory leak when leaving and reopening single player worlds
  • Fixed: Further reduce memory footprint after SP leave by cleaning up the EntityBehaviorPassivePhysics which caches Blocks
  • Fixed: Slanted and inner corner roofing will correctly seal a room when used on the inside of a room
  • Fixed: Glitchy inside player rendering when drunk in new first person mode and old ifp mode
  • Fixed: Chute rotations for schematics/worldedit
  • Fixed: Wrong command info in /land claim new (subcommand gu/gn/... no longer exists)
  • API Tweak: Added /debug spawnheatmap commnand. Added entity map layer for mob spawn testing. Enable with command "/worldconfigcreate bool entityMapLayer true"
  • API Tweak: Using wildcards for sounds should now work globally everywhere for all sounds using the PlaySound/PlaySoundAt/PlaySoundFor methods
  • Api Fixed: Game crash when only partially specifying the held sound set
  • API Fixed: Multiple moddability issues in several blocks and items (BehaviorDecor, BlockIngotMold, BlockToolMold, BlockWateringCan, BESign, ItemBow, ItemHoneyComb, ItemStone, ItemWrench, Func<T>, IBlockAccessor.GetInterface() removed, GetHeldInteractionHelp()
  • v1.9 related changes
    • Tweak: Strike sound no longer affected by voice pitch
    • Tweak: Cave in system is now a separate world config (before: was part of soils stability)
    • Fixed: Ruins block layers generating always muddy gravel and similar issues
    • Fixed: Large GPU memory leak in 1.19-pre.1 thru 4
    • Fixed: Chiseled block decor placing derped when the chiseled block was rotated
    • Fixed: Some dead creature selectionboxes extending thousands of blocks into the sky
    • Fixed: New ConnectedTextures feature not working for some filenames
    • Fixed: Missing translation entries in the world config screen
    • Fixed: Prospecting maplayer filter dialog not displayed
    • Fixed: Sideways instability mechanic no longer working

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.6)

15th November 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Updater (88mb)

Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Feature: Added Deer Antlers! These grow on male adults over winter which are shed in spring. Can be picked up by players and placed on 3 variants of woodtyped antler mounts
  • Feature: Worldgen should run on average 33% faster in all games (YMMV, depends on terrain and server config). Additional further ~30% when enabling worldgen threading in servermagicnumbers.json by specifying "MaxWorldgenThreads": 4
  • Feature: Added new rain ambient sounds to rain-exposed glass (glass windows or glass ceilings)
  • Feature: Added new rock typed rubble blocks for the new ruins (creative mode only at the moment)
  • Feature: Added one more room to the Resonance Archive. Various tweaks and fixes
  • Feature: Outdated mods will now visually marked as outdated in the mod manager
  • Tweak: Worldedit: Added ability to disable first person hands in the WorldEdit Controls Dialog
  • Tweak: Added "Color Accurate Worldmap" world config to enable the previous, full color map style
  • Tweak: Avoid a crash on a incorrectly created crucible itemstack
  • Tweak: Slightly increase the chance for Hail
  • Fixed: Game no longer automatically requesting to download unmet dependencies on startup
  • Fixed: Multiple engine related exceptions when trying to load an outdated mod
  • Fixed: 3rd person mode against walls no longer renders the inside of seraph brains
  • Fixed: New worlds with no customisation at all had some non-default terrain config values (Detail: copying a world seed resulted in a different world second time the seed was used, because the second time around necessarily had some customisation)
  • Fixed: Clutter pipes, and other wrench-rotatable clutter blocks, now orient correctly when schematics are rotated
  • Fixed: Avoid potential server side endless loop during a broken/invalid item use action
  • Fixed: "Out of Memory" errors, the error message now correctly states that it might also be due to a shortage of system memory instead of only video ram memory
  • Fixed: Firepit used in schematics with contents in the cooking slot would cause issues (NRE) on worldgen
  • Fixed: Fruit trees part of schematics on worldgen would log a lot of errors [Details: "Coding error. Fruit tree without fruit tree type" caused by unsetting the to null, since OnBlockPlaced provides a null itemstack by default]
  • API Refactor: Large cleanup of entity shape stepparenting/extraTexture stuff. extraTexturesByTextureName in EntityShapeRenderer is now removed, instead we are now using entity.Properties.Client.Textures. Entity.addGearToShape() and EntityTrader.addGearToShape() is now refactored into Shape.StepParentShape()
  • API Refactor: Block.GetHeatRetention() is now obsolete, please use GetRetention()
  • v1.19 related changes
    • Tweak: Holding a shield + sneaking now plays custom animation
    • Tweak: Lore Paper and parchments can now also be stored in scroll racks
    • Fixed: server crash when smoothing between old and new chunks
    • Fixed: Game crash when digging up sand/gravel covered microblocks
    • Fixed: Dry stone, aged cobble and aged polished rock in ruins not changed into local rock type
    • Fixed: Doing Spear attack + throw at the same made the seraph stuck in the throwaim pose
    • API Fixed: BlockBehavior.OnHeldInteractStart() not behaving as it should

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.4)

30th October 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Tweak: The "Protect eyes" seraph pose is now further restricted to dry areas in addition to strong winds (i.e. now only during sandstorms)
  • Tweak: Add optional kill radius parameter to command /entity wipeall
  • Tweak: Localise chat messages about schematics received, and fixmappings
  • Tweak: Crash reporter: Only show event logs matching the game version in the crash reporter and filter them to Application Error
  • Tweak: Walk sounds now respect the current block underfoot when walking along the edge of blocks
  • Fixed: Two potential sources of large memory leaks when leaving and re-opening single player worlds
  • v1.19 related changes
    • Fixed: Some chunks would never load
    • Fixed: Some surface ruins being placed up in the air instead of on the surface
    • Fixed: Should fix a random crash on startup
    • Fixed: Random game crash during gameplay
    • Fixed: Game crash when breaking the new scroll rack
    • Fixed: Double sided bookshelves derp

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.3)

29th October 2023

We are currently investigating the chunk loading issue, should be fixed by pre.4.

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Tweak: Sped up falx and spear attacks by 30% for now
  • Tweak: Changed deer & moose damages (previously all were the same)
  • Tweak: Fixed deer dropping too many hide sizes, and fat when they shouldn't
  • Fixed: Tree felling bug inadvertently caused by new Mini Dimensions code
  • Fixed: Falx, sword and spear attacks were interrupted when getting attacked
  • Fixed: Chutes/Hoppers not able to push items on one side of the trunk
  • Fixed: Should fix items dropping out of chutes if a neighbouring chunk was not loaded
  • Fixed: Visual glitch on some animated blocks
  • Fixed: Commands prefix shown on help subcommands
  • Fixed: Added translation entries for moose
  • API Tweak: Minor Mini Dimensions code improvements:
    • Players now prevented from flying above height y = 20,480
    • EntityPos now contains rudimentary dimension support
    • Dimensions boundary (when stored in x,y,z coordinate space) increase from 16384 to 32768
    • Graceful failure with an error message, if the maximum count of 16.7 million Mini Dimensions is exceeded in a save game
    • Fixed startup crash if ImportTool is already active, and TestShip y-position jitter
  • API Tweak: Restore previous functionality of BlockPos(Vec4i vec) constructor

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.2)

28th October 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Fixed: Game crashing on customize world screen
  • Fixed: Missing translation entries for the new deer

Dejank Redux (1.19.0-pre.1)

28th October 2023

Please note: This version is quite likely still very buggy and unfinished. Not recommended for use on precious old savegames!

Download Links:
Windows 64bit Full Installer (435mb)
Linux 64bit Archive (444mb)
Linux 64bit - Server Only (29 mb)

Windows 64bit - Server Only (34 mb)

Mac 64bit Archive (460mb)

Game updates

  • Check out devlog post
v1.19 - Vintage Story (2024)


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Article information

Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated:

Views: 5635

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.