Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)

5 J- v. i 1 3 it tJ Trio Save A 1 -r- I Titan 9 Show facto? Negotiations Approved Nightlong ymzl WASHINGTON (AP) Thelnists are interested in serious Murder Seen YORK (AP) Police say they know who was responsible for Malcolm X's assassination and hint a break in the investigation will come soon, perhaps today. White House says it is not en gaged in any negotiations for a Viet Nam settlement and that no one has been authorized to negotiate in behalf of the United States. George E. Reedy, presidential press secretary, made these points Wednesday after U.N, Secretary-General Thant said in New York that he had made concrete proposals aimed at a negotiated settlement of the Vietnamese war.

France and the Soviet Union are also seeking such an agreement. But Reedy said: "I know of no specific proposal for negotiation that has been made to this government." President Johnson is known to feel that, at this stage, there is no evidence that the Chinese and North Vietnamese Commu- talks on Viet Nam. Red Chinese. Premier Chou En-lai said Wednesday that complete, rim-mediate and unconditional U.S. withdrawal is Peking's price for negotiations.

U.S. officials give two conditions for any talks on Viet Nam: An end to attacks by the Communist Viet Cong and a cessation of subversion, infiltration and supply of the' guerrillas from outside' South Viet Nam. And Reedy noted: "This matter would be terminated very quickly if aggressors would cease their aggressions." The U.S. position appeared to be that, in the absence of real hopes for negotiations now, the anti-Communist position should be strengthened as much as possible with an eye toward talks sometime in the future. By JIM ADAMS NAMPA, Idaho (AP) For one whole day, Paul Bellesen was the great titan of the National Knights of the Ku KIux Klan for all of Idaho.

Then he got booted out "Now I just figured they might do something like that' laid Bellesen. He's a Negro. Bellesen, 33, owner and opera-tor of a janitor service, was appointed Idaho's highest (and only) Klan official after writing a letter to Imperial Wizard James R. Venable of Tucker, Ga. -y- He said he mentioned that he was with the Elks Club "I failed to mention that I db1anftor work for the and thought he had followers sympathetic to the Klan.

Bellesen said he signed a statement that he was a "white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant," and mailed his membership application along with the $15 fee. "Being a Negro and supposedly unable to read anyway, I signed it," he said. Incidentally, he's also a Roman Catholic. Then Wednesday night Venable was informed that his new recruit was a Negro. "He has perpetrated a fraud through the mails," said Venable, promptly revoking Belles-en's membership.

"It was a great challenge to me to see just how secret the Klan is and if I could get in," said Bellesen. Local Stage Bands To Be In Festival Three Mattoon stage bands, one from Mattoon High School and one from each of the junior Drifts Block Highways, Illinois Schools Closed CHICAGO (AP) Fresh snow and winds up to 35 m.p.h. piled up huge drifts today that clogged highways, shut down schools and paralyzed many small com munities throughout Illinois. The Illinois Highway Depart ment said the central part of the state was hardest-hit with many nignways impassable. These mcludes U.S.

6 in the vicinity of Morris; U.S. 150 from Morton to Danville; U.S. 36 east and west of Springfield; U.S. 24 Eureka to El Paso; U.S. 136 through the eastern half of the state; U.S.

54 east of Spring field, and Illinois 121 Lincoln to Decatur. Other highways throughout the state were snow clogged and slickened by early morning tem peratures that ranged from 2 above at Quincy to 19 at Chi -high and Jef Testimony by Defense Started in Stratton Trial InAcciticiiis Four minor traffic accidents Wednesday and this morning were partially attributed by pol- ce to snow-slickened streets. A city police car driven by William J. White, 28, of 1404 S. 3rd, and a car driven by Annabelle E.

Griffin, 46, of Windsor, collided this morning at 18th and Marshall. Police said the red light and siren were operating on the squad car, which was escorting another car to Memorial They said the Griffin car attempted to stop, but skidded on the slick pavement In another crash this morn ing, cars driven by Drayton G. Miller, 31, of Charleston and Marvin L. Craig, 37, of 3025 Commercial, collided at 19th and Richmond. Vehicles driven by Mary F.

Sink, 38, of 3001 Marion, and John F. Pugh, 25, of Rural Route 2, were involved in a collision Wednesday afternoon at 25th and Marshall. Police-also reported a two-car accident Wednesday at 17th and Rudy involving cars driven by Lulu B. Fosbinder, 34, of 909 13th, and Randolph L. Adkins, 22, of 912 Annis.

No injuries were reported in any of the accidents. Township Voter Registration To End on March 6 March 8 is the last day to register or change an address or the township elections scheduled April 6. All voters in the township elections must be registered, according to County Clerk Harry Grafton. Voters may register or make a change of address at the fol lowing locations: County clerk's office, Charleston; city clerk's office, Mattoon; office of Mrs. Lola Adams, Cooks Mills; office of Carter Cuppy, Humboldt; of fice of Truman Davis, Oakland, and the office of Mrs.

Lyona Shoot, Ashmore. Sanders Hearing Is Continued CHARLESTON, 111. A pre-. liminary hearing ior Larry Al len lorttt 725 "N.2nd; Mattoon, who is charged with rape, attempted murder and aggravated assault, was con tinued today on motion of Sand ers attorney. No new date was set for the hearing.

Sanders Is in temporary cus tody of Sheriff Paul B. Smith on a delinquency petition. $285 Collected In Fund Drive GREENUP, HI. Fifteen mem bers of the Greenup Kiwanis Club collected 8285 in the annual door-to-door Heart Fund drive. After completion of the drive, members held a dinner meeting Wilmer Easton gave a report on the recent Wabash Valley Asso ciation meeting nt French Lick, which he attended.

Wall Street NEW YORK (AP)- The stock market remained a little higher early this afternoon but trading slowed and some profits were taken. Gains of fractions to a point still outnumbered losses in the same range, but the margin of plus signs seemed to be dwindling. Analysts saw the market as to need of a "breather" after five straight daily advances in the industrial average. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks at noon was up .4 at 335.7 with industrials up 1.2, rails off .1 and utilities off 1. The Dow Jones industrial av erage at noon was up .86 at 898.70.

Mattoon Man Finecij. On Weapons Charge Woodrow W. Lawson, 1800 Richmond, was fined a total of $35 and costs after pleading guilty today in Circuit Court to charges of carrying a concealed weapon and intoxication. Lawhorn was arrested after he brandished a revolver Wed nesday at The Doll House tavern, 2015 Western. Births To Mr.

and Mrs. James D. Foltz, Gays, in Memorial Ho, pita, today, a daughter. To Mr. and Mrs.

Timothy Allen, 1104 Moultrie, in Memorial Hospital, today, a daughter, 19 Snowbound Travelers Spend Night in Church XENIA, El. (AP) Snow- plows hacked through drifts near this Clay County town today to reach an estimated It children and adults who spent a snowbound night a rural church, The travelers, given blankets by farm families, telephoned to anxious relatives that the stranded party was in good health, and even had musical instruments with which to pass the time. i Officials said prairie winds of 51 miles an hour had created IMoot drifts although the snowfall was only about six Inches. The party comprised three cars el parents and children from Xenia, and a car con taining five members of the Mount Vernon Community Orchestra. 7 TV Murder Case Dismissed JACKSON, Miss.

(AP) A ederal judge today dismissed one of the indictments against 17 men charged in the slaying of the three civil rights workers. US. Dist. Judge Harold Cox tossed out the most serious indictment one of two on grounds there had been no vio lation of existing federal statutes and jurisdiction was lacking. Defense attorneys for 17 of the 18 men indicted had asked Cox to dismiss both indictments, but Cox took action today only on the one involving a felony.

Cox did say, however, "the indictment surely states a hei nous crime against the State of Mississippi, but not a crime against the United States." "This is a court of limited jur isdiction," he said. "The indict- ment simply does: not charge either of these defendants with any offense against the'-laws of the United States." In his decision, the jurist cited decisions in similar cases. A federal grand jury had in dicted 18 men in the killing of Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, both white and of New York; and James Chaney of Meridian, a Negro. Included those Indicted were Neshoba County Sheriff Lawrence Rainey and Deputy Cecil Price. The bodies of the three were found last summer beneath an earthen dam near Philadelphia, Miss.

Hospital Notes Vititlnf Hr 11 a.m. to IM Admitted Wednesday Frank Aldridge, 1826ft Broad way. Mrs. Russ A. Bailey, 17 West wood.

Suzann HamersH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Hamer ski, Charleston. Mrs.

Hayward M. Harlow, 3113 Shelby. Mrs. Fleta M. Huckleberry, 2617 Prairie.

Mrs. Raymond R. Lang, 720 Edgar. Mrs. James A.

Moutray, 628 S. 21st. Terrie Jo VanGundy, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph VanGundy, 820 N.

20th. Tom W. Wallace, 3200 Oak. Released Wednesday Otto L. Ariens, 712 S.

31st. Mrs. Paul Birch and daughter, 812 N. 9th. Michael J.

Edmonds, Gays. Michael Estell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vellma EstelL 1408 N. 10th.

Mrs. Paul D. Frailey and son, Rural Route 2. Miss Rosemary Henson, 1902ft Mrs, Warren A. Jackson and son, Rural Route 2.

Rebecca Laymon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Lay mon, Greenup. Chester H.

McClain, Rural Route. Mrs. James F. Reeley and son. Charleston.

Mrs. Nell G. Rickelman, 512 Shelby. Mrs. Joseph W.

Schilling, 22 Charleston. Daniel T. Smith, 621 DeWitU James H. Wallace, Windsor Cheryl Woolard, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs.

James. W. Wool ard, Areola. Mrs. Kobert Jackson and Indictment Special to tha Journal-Gazatl JANESVILLE, 111.

Three Janesville men were safe at home today after spending the night in a car marooned 'in a snow bank some four miles north of here on the Lema Road. Robert Don Howlett and Frank Edwards were forced to spend the night in Edwards' vehicle after, the three became stranded in snow drifts while en route home from Mattoon. They walked the final' mile into Janesville, after being tak en to that point by Charles Jackson, a farmer who resides one mile east, of the Lerna iggens and Howlett, who are employed at the Blaw-Knox plant in i Mattoon, began their trek home about midnight after getting off work. Figgens was driving a truck, while Howlett was behind in his car. Hewlett's vehicle skidded into a ditch and Figgens pulled the car Later Figgens' truck became stuck in a ditch, but Howlett was unable to pull the truck from the snow After deciding they would, have to spend the night, the pair noticed the headlights of a car driven by who had also become stranded while returning home from a National Guard meeting.

The trio spent the night in Edwards' car, before Howlett and Edwards wenf to summon help and returned with Jackson, wuo managea ro steer ms tar three miles through partially cleared highways. "We would start the car every so often so that the heater would keep us warm," Figgens said. The trio hovered in the car until mid-morning. "As soon asf we decided the wind wasn't going to die down, we decided to go for "help," Figgens said. Families of the men were unaware Of ttlAil OrliaraaliMita til their arrived home just before noon.

nuv4vauuuu UXi Figgens described his familv's concern for him in a calm sort of way. "They were pretty worried," he said. American Wife Leave Moscow MOSCOW (AP) Ariam uymerrwoseffworrespondent of the Baltimore Sun, left Moscow today, complying with a Soviet government order for his expulsion. Clvmpr derly conduct during a student oeraonstration outside the UJS. Embassy Feb.

9 during which rioting students attacked him: Soviet police held Clymer un-' der detention for seven hours and armraut Hm-rf r.a,i- policeman. Clymer denied the ouuuiiu a accusation and the U.S. govern-' ment protested his detention. uymer and his wife left for 'axis and were to chana planes there for London. Tests Motorcycle In Apartment ST.

PAUL, Minn. (AP) An irate landlord called nniw Wednesday night, complaining uiat a tenant was riding a mo- wiL-yue in an apartment. Investigating officers found a man sitting on the running mo- Mucyue wnicn was on a stand in his living room. The man told police he was "road testing" the vehicle. Officers told him to wait for warmer weather and tak cycle outside.

and daughter are a son, Sgt. Dean Denver; three brothers, CarL Toledo; Maurice, Toledo, and Ray, Paris; a sister, Mrs. W. E. Hill.

Mat-. four grandchildren: fnnr great-grandchildren. 1 1- O' (U1U 111 LIT FUNERAL McDONALD, Mrs. Anne' Funeral services will be held kat 9 a.m. Saturday at the Church of Immaculate Con- rpntinn Rt Rw Mcr rtnnUi i uugi vaiuci Daly officiating.

Interment i Visitation after 6 p.m. Friday. Rosary at 7:30. SCHILLINGS THY SINCERE THANKS For all the cards letters and flowers received while at Mayo's. Bob Reilly THANKS To all my many friends who called, came to see me, offered! their help, and asked me to stry in their homes after Cro which destroyed Local Obituaries Mrs.

Anne R. McDonald Mrs. Anne R. McDonald, 87, Mattoon, died at 6 today at "the Wilson-Kaley Nurs ing Home, Charleston. She had ul.

1 1 oeen in ui neaiui a year ana seriously ill one week. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church with Rt. Rev Msgr. Daniel Daly officiating.

Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Friends may call at the Schil ling funeral home after 6 p.m Friday. The Rosary will be re cited at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. McDonald was born Jan.

21, 1878, in Terre Haute, a daughter of Jacob R. and Elizabeth Hennessy Ro mans. She attended Eastern Il linois University and was graduate of Illinois Normal Un iversity, Normal. She taught in the Charleston schools before her marriage. She was the widow of David B.

McDonald whom she mar ried in 1908, and had been a resident of Mattoon since that time. He died in 1924. Mrs. McDonald operated millinery store on Broadway in the 1930's and later was office secretary for the American Red Cross. Her residence in Mat toon before entering the nurs ing home was 2308.

Richmond. Surviving are a son, David of Los Angeles, and three grandchildren. Mrs. McDonald was a mem ber of the Altar Society of Im maculate Conception Church and a former member of the Daughters of Isabella. Albert E.

Patterson NEOGA, 111. Albert Ed ward Patterson, 82, Milmine, a former Neoga area resident. died at 4:40 n.m. Wednesdav at Decatur and Macon County Hospital, uecatur. Funeral arrangements are In complete.

The Swengel funer al home here is in charge. Air.i'attersottasHEKMii near Stewardson Sept. 22, 1882, a son of Benjamin F. and Edith Gra nam Patterson. He married Nettie Miller on May 8, 1907, at Phillipsburg, Kan.

She survives. Mr. Patterson was a retired armer. Besides his widow, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Berniece Weygandt, Peoria; Mrs.

Wilda M. Buckner, Milmine, and Mrs. Evelyn Snow, San Pedro, one brother, Seibert Patterson, Neoga; 11 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. A son, Wayne, two brothers and two sisters preceded him in death. He was a member of the Gas- kill Methodist Church, north west of Frank H.Craig CHARLESTON, 111.

Frank Craig, 89, of Rural Route 2, Oaiaai)dred-nirjii: Wednesday at Mattoon Memor ial Hospital. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the Bushton Christian Church, with burial in Mound cemetery. Charleston. Friends mav call after 6 p.m.

today at the Har per Swickard funeral home here. Mr. Craig, a retired farmer and livestock breeder, was born Aug. 13, 1875, in Coles County, tne son of Andrew and Belle Zinc Craig. He was married to Jessie Lippencott in 1899.

She died in 1946. In 1953, he married Effie Brading, who survives. Also surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Murial Winkle- black and Mrs. W.

Funk houser, both of Charleston, and Mrs. Ruel Hall, Kankakee; five grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren. 99 Alvin C. Gordon NEOGA, HI. Alvin C.

Gor don, 77, of near Neoga, died today at Healthwin Hospital in South Bend, Ind. Funeral arrangments are in complete. The body i.will be brought to the Swengel funeral home here. Mr. Gordon was born in Cum berland County Feb.

19, 1888, the son of E. D. and Ida Johnson Gordon. On Feb. 12, 1911, he married Alma Highland, who survives.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were living during the winter months with their daughter, Mrs. Glenn Hays of South Bend. Mr.

Gordon, a retired farm er, was a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge In Etna. He was a past president of the Cum berland County Farm Bureau, 1 Surviving besides his widow Mattoon Area Deaths Despite phony bomb threats in Harlem, more than 7,000 persons have filed by the bier ot the slain black nationalist leader in less than two days. Malcolm 39, who broke with the Black Muslims 14 months ago and formed a rival sect, was shot down as he started to speak at a Manhattan rally Police believe five persons were involved. One man is in custody. He is Talmadge Hayer, 22, a Negro from Pat-erson, N.J.,1 charged with homicide.

In New York, Asst. Chief Inspector Joseph L. Coyle, in command of 50 detectives working on the case, said Wednesday that police were on the "right track" toward solving the slaying. He said this was because of "information detectives have dug up as to who may be responsible." He did not elaborate, i Guest Speakers Address Local Medical Society The Coles-Cumberland Medi cal Society heard two guest speakers at a meeting Wednes day night at the U.S. Grant Motor Inn.

They were Dr. Paul DeBru ine, anesthesiologist, and Jack Sangster, chief inhalation ther apist, at Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur. Dr. Guy O. Pfeiffer presided.

Dr. John J. Jemsek was pro gram chairman. Guests included Joseph De-Martino, anesthetist at Charleston Community Hospital, and Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Mattes. Mattes is anesthetist at Mattoon Memorial Hospital. City Receives Funds WASHINGTON(AP)-A grant and a $1,627,372 loan to Springfield, 111., for the 17-acre central area No. 1 urban renewal project was announced by the Urban Renewal Administration Feb. 25, 1965 Mattoon Livestock Market Prices quoted by Shanks Packing Co.

Hogs: 180-190, 16.50; 190-200, 16.75; 200-220, 17.00; 220-230, 16.75; 230-240, 16.50; 240-250, 16.00; 250-260, 15.75. Sows: Under 300, 14.50; 300-325, 14.25; 325-350, 14.00; 350-375, 13.75; 375400, 13.50; 400-500, 13.25; over 500, 12.75. Boars: 11.50. Beef: Steady. Mattoon Dairy Market Butterfat Grade 2 per lb.

38c Butterfat Grade 1 per lb. 41c Mattoon Poultry Market Leghorns lb 3c Hens, lb 3c co*cks, lb 3c Eggs, large, 27, mediums, 25, base price 18. Mattoon Grain Market Because of different freight rates, grain prices may not be the same at all Mattoon area elevators. Prices below are quoted by Farmer's Grain Co. of Dorans- Corn $1.20 Oats 75 Hard Wheat $1.48 Soft Wheat $1.30 Beans $2.93 represent.

Mattoon at the area sneech contest to be held March 28 in Decatur. The public is In vited to attend the contest meet- ine. There is no charge. Re freshment wiH served, Markets 1 cago's Midway Airport. Chicago schools were open today despite snowfall that measured up to 12 inches but many suburban school districts canceled all classes.

Schools were shut down in Springfield for the second day in a row. Further south, some schools remained open without bus facilities because of the snow, but most were reported closed. La Salle County was severely stricken by a combination of snow, cold and drifts. Seventeen schools were ordered closed; five others stayed open without any bus service. Officials in the city of La Salle ordered all highways in the area blockaded because of six-foot drifts.

Interstate 80 stayed open but was de-Scribed as barely passable. Koplan argued against the motion, saying that although Stratton kept meticulous records of payments made by check, he kept no record of cash payments orreceipts; Koplan cited testimony that Stratton paid some $31,000 in cash for certain expenditures during the period in question. "Can that be a mistake?" he asked. Judge Will rejected Barnett's motion, arguing that no evidence had been introduced to show the funds were non-taxable. The judge said that criminal intent is the "most sensitive" issue in the trial.

Cage Tourney Game Postponed The Jefferson Junior High School-Arcola basketball game scheduled for 6:45 p.m, today in the Illinois Elementary School heavyweight tournament, has been postponed due to haz ardous driving conditions, Jefferson Principal Fred Hash said the game has been rescheduled for 6:45 p.m. Friday. Child Dies in Fire INDIANAPOLIS (AP) A child, burned to death Wednesday in a bedroom closet Of her northside home, apparently started the blaze with a cigar ette lighter, authorities said, The body of Terry Lynn O'Connor, 3, was found by firemen. Zupka Alonzo Church, Burl Bauer and Wayne Reel four of the highest rated speakers of the local club. The men will be competing for the chance to ferson, will participate a Stage Band Festival at Charleston Saturday.

Eighteen bands are scheduled to participate in the program with Central and Jefferson being the only junior high schools represented. The program will begin at 10 a.m. in the Fine Arts auditorium on the Eastern Illinois Univer sity campus. Each band will play three selections. Central, under the direction of Charles Hayes, will play at 10:15 direction of Richard Isenogle, will play at 10:30 a.m.

Obed Henderson will direct the high school band at 1 p.m. Buddy Baker, trombonist from the University of Indiana, Bloomington, will present a clinic for the students and the EIU Jazz band will present a final concert at 4:30 p.m. The festivals is co-sponsored by the School of Music at EIU and Samuel Music Co. The public is invited to at tend. Lions Club Sees Film on Russia Members of the Mattoon Lions Club today viewed the film "Post-Stalin Russia," the story of the U.S.S.R.

since the death of the Soviet dictator in 1953 H. E. Greer, principal of Hawthorne School, presented the movie at the club's weekly luncheon at U.S. Grant Motor inn. Guests at the meeting were George Falter, Indianapolis, William Disque, Mattoon, and Dr.

Paul DeBruine and Jack Sangster of Decatur, who were stranded here overnight because of the snowstorm after they addressed a meeting of the Coles-Cumberland Medical Soc iety Wednesday night. Elks Club Master Point ft Tables North-South Average Sztt 1. Turner-Turner 58 2. Smith-Steinmetz 59 3. Lee-Anderson 52 East-West Average 4S 1.

Grace-Grace 5214 2. Rogers-Rogers Wk I. Schwelghart-Mc- Cumber 47 Upcoming Games: Sunday, 130 D.m.. Maison Blanche: Wednesday. 7:30 Elks Club.

TaKot4 T. PoHlv SIR fith. returned home Wednesday from jviayo nuvucaici wberm he had been a patient 47 Mia mnrtiMnn la satis factory and he has resumed his business Mrs. Reilly, who had been with him In Ro chester, accompanied mm Duplicate Bridge Among tho Sick CHICAGO (AP)-The defense has begun testimony in the in come tax evasion trial of former Gov. William G.

Stratton. Government prosecutors com pleted tfiffr-case -Tuesday with the testimony of Robert Dynas, an Internal Revenue Service analyst. The trial, in its eighth week, is investigating charges that Stratton, 50, a Republican, evaded payment of $40,946 in income taxes on allegedly unreported income of $83,069 during his second term as governor, from 1957 to 1960. Only one defense witness was callea Wednesday before the court adjourned for the day. William A.

Barnett, one of Stratton's three attorneys, asked the witness, Associate Judge William L. Guild of the Circuit Court in Du Page County, if there was any election law requirement that a candidate report handling of political funds. "Not in the State of Illinois," Guild said. The government has contended that Stratton diverted campaign funds to pay personal expenses. Earlier, Judge Hubert L.

Will of U.S. District Court denied a motion for an acquittal made by Barnett. Barnett, in presenting his mo tion, contended that the government evidence failed to show that Stratton willfully avoided payment of income taxes. Government attorney Stephen Speech Contestants The -Lincoln Trails Toastmast-ers Club will conduct its annual speech contest beginning at 6:29 p.m. Monday at the Maison Blanche.

Pictured are Andrew i i I I i 'J i borne. daughter, Sullivan. I-.

Journal Gazette from Mattoon, Illinois (2024)


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