The Fans Strike Back Exhibition | 24/06/2024, 10:00 | Napoleon Komplex Berlin (2024)

Ein galaktisches Ereignis erreicht Deutschland: "The Fans Strike Back®" - Die weltweit größte STAR WARS Fan-Ausstellung findet erstmals in Berlin statt.

Nach dem großen Erfolg in internationalen Metropolen wie New York, Las Vegas, London und Wien kommt „The Fans Strike Back®“, die weltweit größte Fan-Ausstellung der legendären STAR WARS Saga, nun erstmals nach Deutschland. Vom 28. April bis 07. Juli 2024 öffnet der Napoleon Komplex in Berlin seine Tore für dieses außergewöhnliche Event.
Diese von Fans kuratierte Ausstellung ist mehr als nur eine Sammlung von Erinnerungsstücken – es ist eine Hommage an über vier Jahrzehnte Kreativität, Leidenschaft und Hingabe der STAR WARS Fan-Gemeinde. Die Ausstellung zelebriert das kulturelle Phänomen STAR WARS mit mehr als 1.000 einzigartigen, nostalgischen Sammelobjekten, darunter lebensgroße Figuren, mehr als 50 Skulpturen, Fotos, Poster, Kostüme und vieles mehr.

Die Ausstellung bietet nicht nur eine Schau von Exponaten, sondern auch ein interaktives Erlebnis, das Besucher in die Tiefe der Saga eintauchen lässt. Eine besonders intergalaktische Immersion bietet eine einzigartige Virtual-Reality-Erfahrung, die alle Sinne in die Welt der ikonischen Saga entführt. Mit Fotomotiven, die direkt aus der Saga entnommen scheinen, bietet die Ausstellung die perfekte Gelegenheit, um unvergessliche Momente festzuhalten.

„The Fans Strike Back®“ ist ein Fest für die Sinne und verspricht unvergessliche Erinnerungen für Fans aller Altersgruppen. Es ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, die Magie und das Erbe der STAR WARS Saga hautnah zu erleben und gleichzeitig eine Brücke zwischen den Generationen zu schlagen.

Bitte planen Sie für Ihren Besuch etwa 75 Minuten ein.

Date details

  • Date Monday, 24/June/2024 10:00 bis 20:00 (18 more dates)
  • Venue Napoleon Komplex Berlin
  • Address Modersohnstraße 35-45, 10245 Berlin
  • Price from €25.00

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The Fans Strike Back Exhibition | 24/06/2024, 10:00 | Napoleon Komplex Berlin (1)

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The Fans Strike Back

Star Wars Fan Exhibition

A galactic event reaches Germany: "The Fans Strike Back®", the world's largest Star Wars fan exhibition, is opening in Berlin for the first time.

  • The Fans Strike Back Exhibition | 24/06/2024, 10:00 | Napoleon Komplex Berlin (2)

    © macheete 2024

  • The Fans Strike Back Exhibition | 24/06/2024, 10:00 | Napoleon Komplex Berlin (3)

    © Quelle: Reservix-System

Image 1

Following its huge success in major international cities such as New York, Las Vegas, London and Vienna, "The Fans Strike Back®", the world's largest fan exhibition of the legendary Star Wars saga, is now coming to Germany for the first time. From April 28 to July 7, 2024, the Napoleon Complex in Berlin will open its doors for this extraordinary event.

Sculptures, Photos, Posters and Costumes from the Star Wars Fan Community

This fan-curated exhibition is more than just a collection of memorabilia - it is a tribute to over four decades of creativity, passion and dedication from the Star Wars fan community. The exhibition celebrates the cultural phenomenon of Star Wars with more than 1,000 unique, nostalgic collectibles, including life-size figures, more than 50 sculptures, photographs, posters, costumes and much more.

The exhibition offers not only a showcase of exhibits, but also an interactive experience that immerses visitors in the depths of the saga. A particularly intergalactic immersion is provided by a unique virtual reality experience that transports all the senses into the world of the iconic saga. With photo motifs that seem to be taken directly from the saga, the exhibition offers the perfect opportunity to capture unforgettable moments.

„The Fans Strike Back®“ at Napoleon Komplex in Berlin

"The Fans Strike Back®" is a feast for the senses and promises unforgettable memories for fans of all ages. It is a unique opportunity to experience the magic and heritage of the Star Wars saga up close and personal while building a bridge between generations.

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The Fans Strike Back Exhibition | 24/06/2024, 10:00 | Napoleon Komplex Berlin (2024)


What is the fans strike back event? ›

The Fans Strike Back displays selected items from the largest private Star Wars collection of fan items in the world. You'll find photos, posters, costumes, figures, and models of different types and sizes — all official objects bought or made by Star Wars fans and displayed for Star Wars fans.

Is the fans strike back an exhibition? ›

⭐ The Fans Strike Back® is an exhibition featuring hundreds of official items from the Star Wars Universe collected by fans and displayed for fans. Immerse yourself in a galaxy far, far away and see photos, posters, costumes, figures, and models of different types and sizes!

What day did Empire Strikes Back come out? ›

Released on May 21, 1980, the highly anticipated sequel became the highest-grossing film that year, earning approximately $401.5 million worldwide. Unlike its lighthearted predecessor, Empire met with mixed reviews from critics, and fans were conflicted about its darker and more mature themes.


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.